The Cat & Kitten Articles

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a British Kitten

Probably everyone wanted a little and fluffy kitten. There are many ads for the sale of small kittens in the Internet. Can we trust them? Moreover, if you want to buy the British kitten, then you have to be very careful, because there are many people who

Prepare cats to the show: grooming

If you are preparing your pet for the show for the first time, it will not be superfluous to explain what grooming is. All activities aimed at caring for the body surface of the animal, i.e. bathing, licking hair, washing, combing, shearing are called gr

Cat's planet

The variety of cultures on our planet is so great that to study them is not enough for a lifetime. Depending on the mentality, a lot is changing, including the attitude to our younger brothers.

Cats: castration and sterilization

Wonderful creation are kittens! As soon as you see them, you immediately want to take them in your hands, to play with them; you feel some sort of adoration and pleasure.

Cats: comfort for your pet

Like all living beings, cats love comfort, but not every owner knows simple rules that can ensure peace and tranquility of a pet. The most common mistake is the wrong approach of taking the cat in ones arms. Animals are very sensitive to this process, in

What to feed a cat

There is no clear answer to this question, because each of us is based on own experience with cats, personal and material resources in various sources of knowledge in this matter. However, the opinion of vets is well defined: adequate nutrition is the key

Entertainment for a fluffy pet

Cat delights food, rests blissfully, enjoys the game. Being in nature, the animal can do anything. A wasp flew and sat on the flower - nice to meet you. There is a frog - someone new and incomprehensible. Even a detached leaf or a blade of grass waving at

The Turkish Van: A Unique and Fascinating Cat Breed

The breed with long hair, accidentally bred in the territory of the Armenian plateau, now modern Turkey, near Lake Van, was named the Turkish Van. These cats are the oldest members of the animal, considered domestic.

How does a cat mark a territory

Cats are territorial animals and jealous of their possessions. Normal picture, when cats are trying to find out their relations and fight for territory.

How long do cats live?

Many cat owners are interested in one question – “How long do cats live?”. Let us try to find the answer to this question. We proceed from the fact that, firstly, the cat is home; secondly, it is completely healthy and thirdly, the cat i

What are cats afraid of?

I think, every pet owner watched a situation where his/her cat began to behave disturbing because of appearance of some kind of noise or strange objects. Sometimes, the animal is even driven into a corner and does not get out of there until its stimuli ar

California Spangled

This breed is relatively "young". Feline breeders began working on it in the 70s, XX century. Its "birth", California Spangled owes known screenwriter Paul Casey. In 1971, he was on a business trip in Oldoway (America). While talking to a famous doctor -