Some pets cannot tolerate the working vacuum cleaner, other are afraid of hair dryer. The whole point here is in the cat's ears, their perception of sound is much more acute than human's. Due to this fact, animals negatively tolerate any noise. Second place goes to hydrophobia - fear of water. Such fear is inherent to most of the cats. Although many of them swim not bad, they still do not like water procedures. The main reason is the unpleasant sensations experienced by the cat after it comes out of the water. After all, the structure of cat's hair is completely different from dog's hair. When a cat gets wet, a layer of air automatically disappears, which is so important to maintain the heat.
Accordingly, cats begin to freeze after water treatment. The fear and rejection of strangers is too quite common in cats. During the arrival of the guests, a pet can just escape into another room, or to hide not being noticed and stroked. If you notice such behavior on the part of your cat, you should not force it to get acquainted with someone, let it be just a bystander. Then, if it wants, it will come to chat with people. Most often, unsociable animal is just such a character trait rather than some kind of fear of strangers. Everyone knows it is fun to play with a cat, and even more for children. Therefore, often children's careless treatment with a pet causes pet's refusal to communicate with anyone. To return the pet to its habitual state of mind, it is more likely to spend time with it, to try to find something for it to do. In addition, both people and cats do not like to visit the hospital. These various manipulations of animals, strangers around - a cat extremely negatively tolerates all of this and even can cause bouts of aggression. In order to somehow help to remove the discomfort of your pet and just to support it, try to start to behave calmly, because every your excitement and uncontrolled emotions are transmitted to a cat. During the procedures, if possible, it is better to keep the animal, because in your hands it is much calmer. Moreover, of course, try to communicate with your pet gently encouraging it.