The Cat & Kitten Articles

Caring for a Persian Cat

Persian cats - is not just derived prestigious representatives of the cat, but all the same now living creature that is not only good looks but also character, and especially long-haired, which will be discussed.

Japanese Bobtail Cat

As you know, earlier Japanese Bobtail was common in the Far East, and in the Land of the Rising Sun was in his time in China. In Japan, the breed was called "mi-ke". The Japanese themselves respected the cat and even worshiped it as a god. In ancient time

Scottish Fold Cat

History of breed scottish fold or Scottish Fold began in 1961 when William Ross found on one of the farms of Scottish Fold kittens. It is known that the cat, which gave rise to the young breed named Susie. She had a white color and also had a lop-eared. W

Cat breeds

The ancestors of this cat is feral African cat that lived in Abyssinia (now known as Ethiopia). In 1868, a British military expedition picked up and brought the cat from Africa to the European continent, particularly in England, where he began breeding wo

Cats fear

Cats are very independent and proud creation. But even they are of their phobias. The owners of cats is to tolerate the fear of their pets as they do not come just like that.

Balinese cat

Its origin Balinese Siamese cats must thoroughbred short hair cats in the litter which began to appear kittens with long hair routine. At first, the strange kittens considered defective while the breeders did not deal with selection of a new breed. Histor

Munchkin cat breed

Probably rarely meet a person who does not like cats, there are certainly people who like dogs or other animals are more, but the cat its kind manners, always endeared himself to man. Today I'll tell you about this wonderful breed of cats as munchkins. Th

Amazing facts about cats

Cats - an amazing creation. It has always been a cat in the house - it's a success.

BRITISH CATS. Aristocrat at home

More recently, the presence of the British cat you talked about your high material and social status. British Shorthair cats, also called business. Now, this breed has become available to the majority. What features of these visitors from Britain?

Singapore - the smallest cat in the world

Species native to Southeast Asian countries of Singapore. In their homeland such a cat called "sewer" because of her itinerant lifestyle. In 1975, Tommy Mead delivered a few he liked Singapore cats in the United States of America. It was Tommy and his wif

The most expensive cat breed

Man domesticated cats many years ago. Their friendship is worth a lot, as well, and the cats themselves too highly valued today. Among the elite breeds are two of the most expensive member of the family cat - it's Usher and shroud.

Amazing cats

Ovulation occurs when a cat mating, a biological feature can not boast of any other animal. The scientists say that to fertilize one egg one sperm is required more than a million sperm. A number of eggs varies between 3-7 pieces, but this is not a strict