The Cat & Kitten Articles

Elderly Feline Health Problems

During the pet's lifetime you become very attached to it, but ... It may sound sadly and scary but cats live a little and they are put to eld much faster than their owners.

Long-haired cats: the secrets of care

Cat breeds with beautiful long hair look like the real stars from zoo magazines. Such pets need special care. Thick and long hair should be well-groomed not just to bring the cat's owner pride and aesthetic pleasure, but also not to cause discomfort to th

Canadian sphynx - lunar cat

When you first look at this creature it is difficult to fall in love with it, and it is a fact. Most people are accustomed to the fact that the cat "has to be" fluffy and proud, condescendingly receiving the love of its owner. However, sphynxes are very d

Cat allergy

Doctors still cannot say exactly why some people have cat allergy. Sometimes the disease can fade and disappear without a trace. They also cannot explain such a phenomenon. But the fact remains. Allergy exists and gives a lot of trouble to human, especial

Cat's food: it’s a showtime

Cat's food is very important point. Cats are flesh-eaters, which means that they are predators, and meat is very important component in their diet. Cats living at home can't hunt, they can't earn their living by themselves and the owners have to make up f

Felinology is the study of cats

Zoology is the study of animals and there’s a separate and peculiar part of the study of unique animals – cats. This part is called felinology. This science studies anatomy, physiology, breeds, general principles of life, breeding and cat owne

How to bathe a cat?

Everyone knows cats can't stand swimming, and they can't stand water. However, if the cat was washed from an early age, then surely it is accustomed to the water and will learn how to put up with this unpleasant necessity in its life.

Burmese cat

The ancestress of Burmese cat is the result of Siamese and unknown dark cat crossing. In 1930 this cat was brought from Burma, the US by Californian cat-breeder amateur. It was called VongMau. From its marriage with Siamese cat and then backcrossing and c

Turkish Angora. How to make a right choice?

Turkish Angora is one of the most beautiful and regal cats. It’s known all around the world because of its gorgeous snow-white color and different eyes. Not all cats of this breed are white. You won’t often see different eyes.

Most popular breed of cats in Europe

Not all cat lovers know that several years ago a new breed of cat appeared in Europe that has several advantages among other breeds. It is a Devon Rex. We can’t even call it a cat because it has habits of a dog. Short, soft and curly hair along its

Care for cat’s teeth

Contrary to popular belief, the teeth of our pets deserve the same care as humans'. It's in the wild when animals are in harmony with the environment, teeth serve them faithfully for a very long time. The animals living with people lose the ability to tak

Sphynxes – almost hairless cats

Sphynx is one of the newest breeds of cats. Representatives of the breed are known for almost hairless body. According to legends, at the end of the XIX century hairless cats existed in Mexico, and hair grew only in winter, now apparently they are already