It is believed that this breed appeared quite by accident, when in 1966 in Canada, one of the cat breeders saw almost hairless kitten in the offspring. It was left for a new breed and was called Prune. Then Prune was crossed with his mother and later with his descendants. So in 1984 in Paris, the first cat of the breed Sphynx was shown at cat show.
Not all people liked sphynxes. Many are afraid to take them on hands. The body of a cat is hot and smooth. Unlike other cats, Sphynx tends to sweat, so they have to bathe more often.
Kittens are born with hair on their bodies which is lost in adulthood. Often hair is on the feet and muzzle, but not in large amounts. Their skin is wrinkled, legs are crooked.
The body of the Sphynx is long, muscular and of medium size. Legs are long, thin, hind feet are longer than fore feet. The tail is thin and long. The neck is long. The head has triangular shape. Ears are large, round, there isn't any hair in ears. They have deep-set eyes, may be completely of different colors, which must be combined with the color of hair. Skin is thick, makes folds on the belly and muzzle. There may be no eyebrows and whiskers.
At the moment, there are three main types of the breed Sphynx: Peterbald, Donskoy cat and Canadian Sphynx.
Sphynxes need much care. In addition, they need frequent bathing and in regular inspection of ears, since they hardly protected by hair. These cats can't be left in the sun for a long time, because the unprotected skin can easily get burned.
In most cases, they are affectionate and loyal creatures, but at the same time proud and stately. Cats of the breed Sphynx easily get along the other animals. They love all possible communication with people can sleep with them in the same bed or in their arms. They aren't picky in food and have a great appetite.