It is believed that the Egyptians were the first people to domesticate cats.In Babustik, in Lower Egypt, cats lived in the temple in the center of the cult of the goddess Bastet. Caring for cats seemed particularly honorable deed, passing by inheritance.The priests themselves took care of cats.They were worshiped in the temple of the sun.
A historical event is described when such worship cats were used against the Egyptians.In 525 BC, trying to conquer Egypt, the Persian king gave the order to catch more cats and tie them to the shields of warriors.Egyptians could not fight with opponents, on whose shields were screaming and hissing cats, so were forced to surrender.
A man who deliberately killed at least one cat, in Egypt was subjected to penalty.If the murder was unintentional, the guilty awarded a large fine.
The goddess Bastet was revered as a symbol of love, happiness and fertility.She was depicted with the head of a cat.Even the Egyptian god of the sun was depicted as a red cat.
Phoenicians-sailors took cats into their journeys.Gradually, domestic cats "mastered" almost the whole world.Not everyone knows that the revolt of Spartacus was his symbol of freedom-loving cat.
The Greeks began to get cats for rodent control, for which they were carrying contraband from Egypt.In this way, the cats appeared in the Apennines, and then in Georgia and in the European market.
The Romans brought the cat to Britain, apparently.In the destroyed house of the IV century BC, the remains of a domestic cat were found.In 936, the law of South Wales was passed that defended cats.They were allowed to live in monasteries.
In America, in Peru, the images of cats that belong to the years 400-1000 BC were found.Until now, it remains a mystery how they got there.
By the time of the middle Ages, because of their multiplicity, the cats lost a privileged position. A savage attitude towards these animals began.Church began to consider them a symbol of evil.Cats were drowned, burned at the stakes, tortured and exterminated.There was even a custom wound: to mure a cat in the foundation of the house.In 1558, Elizabeth Is coronation was accompanied by the burning of a few bags with cats.Cruel cat processes were held in England and then in America.In 1692, Massachusetts became famous because of loud Salem processes for the destruction of witches and cats close to them.It was hard for people who loved cats.The keeping of the cat accused of having connections with the devil.Nevertheless, when they refused of cats, the rodents instantly destroyed food stocks, exciting people and livestock diseases, epidemics.
At the beginning of the Renaissance the humane treatment to cats, making the house cozy and comfortable began to spread.People loved them again.Scientists have studied the behavior of cats.The paintings and books devoted to these animals were created.
Stalking cats officially ceased to the XVIII century.The cat survived the centuries of cruelty, abuse, contempt for the lack of affection and kindness.Finally, it was time for a change.
The cost for a cat was very high.
The domestic cats were tamed in different ways.Today, millions of purebred and mongrel cats live at houses.Unfortunately, a lot of stray animals and the number of which is increasing, largely because of the indifference and even cruelty of people.Thank God, we have reached a level of civilization, when the cats are no longer burned at the stakes.