The Cat & Kitten Articles

Grooming for cats - health and beauty of your pet

Grooming is one of the aspects of the behavior of any animal having a hygienic sense. In other words, grooming is the process of washing, licking or bathing the animal, which all the wild animals and pets do. In nature, animals behave differently; they ne

Uncovering the Pregnancy of British Cats – A Comprehensive Guide

Puberty of cats of the British breed comes about at 7-9 months of age. The first estrus is usually missed, and mating of animals is carried out not earlier than a year. The pregnancy lasts about 65 days. Kittens born at 63 or 64 days of pregnancy are viab

Male cats, female cats and kittens

Female cat is a lone animal. With this habit, she was very similar to its close relative, the other member of the family cat - a tiger, cheetah, leopard, lions ... Only lions live in a Pride, others cats live alone. The family is formed only for a short t

Egyptian Mau - best friend of the family

Egyptian Mau. This cat came to us from ancient times. Cat of the pharaohs. This wonderful spotted cat was walking around the world long before the new era. Judging by its ancient image, it has not changed a lot since then. In those far days, this cat was

A Breed and Color Guide to Different Types of Cats

Breed standard includes a number of detailed description: head shape, the shape of the legs, body length, tail length, body type, eye color, shape of ears, length of hair and color. To characterize the color of the cat, the terms are used; with their he

Body language and behavior of cats

Trying to understand what is on the mind of your pet, it is important to pay attention not only on the verbal cat-like sounds, but also on the cat's body language. Cats always communicate with us using body language, and some use it more often than voice

Types of Indoor Environments to Keep Your Cat Healthy

Many people think that cats living in apartments are happier than those cats that live outdoors or in a cottage. However, it is not so, because they cannot leave anywhere, if they do not like something. Compared with their counterparts, indoor cats live i

How to choose a partner for your purebred cat

In any cat's life comes a time when it needs a partner. Of course, street cats, unlike their purebred counterparts, are much happier: they walk, where they want and give birth from those they like. Nevertheless, for the purebred cats, the owner picks a gi

Everything You Need to Know Before Choosing a Pet

Once you have decided to get a kitten you have a question about who to choose - a male or a female. At an early age, the behavior of kittens is not different, and sexual identity has no effect on their behavior. However, with age, everything is significan

Fun Cat Games: How to Entertain Your Pet

A game is necessary for the harmonious development and wellbeing pastime of a cat. For a kitten, this is a way to strengthen muscles and develop coordination. For an adult animal, it is an opportunity to keep fit. Cats have long lived side by side with

A Complete Guide to the Bengal Cat Breed

Bengal cat looks exactly like its ancestor, the wild leopard cat, but only at a reduced size. The exterior of the Bengal cat resembles the wild, but this cat is very affectionate and home. Jean Mill created the breed, living in Arizona, which had the idea

A sound cat in a sound house. Feed pets properly

Cats have always been the subject of human inspiration. Poems, songs, prose, wonderful quotes and wise sayings are devoted to these mystical animals. Cats rescue us from loneliness, create home coziness and are an excellent remedy for stress. There is not