Cats are prone to a handful of specific illnesses, all with distinctive symptoms. Knowing what ails them and why will help you determine the right treatment to get them healthy again. Preventing problems, from viruses to worms, will keep your cat from bei
Articles about cat behavior
The cat is a freedom-loving creature, and any restriction on its space can be perceived painfully. Therefore, in cases when you want to use a cat collar, you need to be very careful to teach the animal to gradual innovation and, most importantly, make the
You need to purchase a few bowls (2-3 pieces would be enough). Water bowl must be at least 5 cm in diameter. The kitten also needs a tray to the toilet, which can be purchased at a pet store. The tray must be no more than 7 cm in height. Another important
Having pets, we get not only positive emotions, but also are faced with the problems of their keeping. Each animal comes from wild ancestors, and even it is domesticated, it does not mean that the pet's instincts are atrophied. For a man, such manifestati
We love our pets, but their evil antics are sometimes unbearable! You can understand a cat that brings you a gift (a caught mouse or a bird) - it really loves you, wants to make things better. But when mischievous cat constantly pushes books from a coffee
Cats are the same small children. If the cat lives at your house, then you can only dream of rest. Cats are constantly interested in everything; check everything, and then something changes and they are sleeping. Moreover, every time cats find something i
You are a lucky owner of a fluffy treasure cat. Its long life and health depends on its nutrition and proper care. You must understand, that even this miracle lives in your apartment or house, a cat is a carnivorous animal. It is accustomed to eat natural
Nibelung is a relatively new breed of cat. Officially, it was recognized in 1984. Physically, the Nibelung cats appeared half a century earlier because of random mutations of Russian blue cat breed. From the progenitor breed, Nibelung cats differ prima
Have you decided to get a little cat. Here are a few tips that will help you to grow the animal, and it will feel well in the neighborhood with the person. The kitten is taken away from the mother not earlier than after eight weeks of age. However, t
According to legend, these amazing creatures, namely the so-called sphinxes, have their origin far from the days of antiquity. It is interesting that the ancient Aztecs bred the cats of this breed. An elongated body, the lack of a mustache and a large wed
Everyone knows that the domestic cat is a predator. The ancestors of the domestic cats ate birds, small rodents, caught fish, snakes, and lizards. Accordingly, each owner of such cats has to choose a diet, which fully replaces them mice, snakes and lizard
In every world nation, there are plenty of superstitions, associated with a cat. Strange, but they are always sad, ill-boding, though a cat is a tender and loving animal. - If the cat licks itself, wait for guests. It beckons them... Find out what guest