In every world nation, there are plenty of superstitions, associated with a cat.Strange, but they are always sad, ill-boding, though a cat is a tender and loving animal.
- - If the cat licks itself, wait for guests. It beckons them... Find out what guests to expect: If its paws are cold, the guests are unwanted; and if the paws are warm, then the guests will be nice.
- - If you want a person to visit you more often, drop a small piece of fluff in his pocket. The guest will visit more often and will not forget the gracious hosts.
- - If the house is just built, do not settle in at once. On the first night in the house let a black cat and a black hen spend the night there; on the second night - the male cat and the female cat, black as well.
- - If the black cat ran across the road, do not despair!You can spit three times over your left shoulder; you can hold the button in your left hand left-handed and continue your journey; but you can just wait until someone will go first ...
- - If it sharpens its claws, the weather will change soon!
- - If it paws the floor, there might be strong wind, blizzard.
- - If a person is going on a long journey, and a cat ran across the road in front of him, from right to left - the road will be difficult and unsuccessful.
- - The favorite stretches to man: it says about a new thing!
- - If it paws the wall - bad weather and wind.
- - If it curled - there will be frost.
- - Hides its face and legs - there will be cold.
- - Sits or lays in the battery? Will be chilly!
- - Thoroughly licks its "coat" - to the bad weather!
- - If it sneezed, you can make a wish and it will come true.
- - If the black cat entered the house, it is to trouble.
- - Fluffs its tail - to a blizzard.
- - Licks its tail and tries to hide its head - to rain.
- - Scratches ears - to the rain.
- - If she gave birth and she has red or black kittens, then red are required to give to strangers, but keep the black ones. There will be good luck in the house.
- - If the night before Christmas you have a dream of a black cat, then people will soon get sick.
- - If it sleeps, lying belly up - there will be warm and sunny.
- - Licks its paw and hair on the head - it will be a good sunny weather.
- - Licks foot - to the sun.
- - Raises its rear paw and licks it - to the sun.
- - If it suddenly changed its behavior, then someone dies or gets sick at home.
- - It climbs right to the face and nose, draws air from the mouth or nose of man - to a disease.
- - If the black or white cat entered the patient room, then he will die.
- - If you put a cat on the patient bed and it will lie with him, and even fall asleep - he would mand; if the cat escapes and does not want to lie on the patient bed - he will die.
- - If the cat likes to sleep for a long time at the head of the owner, he will die soon.
- - If the cat does not want to live with the family, then someone will die in this house.
- - To hold a black cat in the house of a sailor is a good sign.The husband is required to return to his wife from a voyage!
- - The cat sits on the table - someone will leave the family or die.
- - On the board of the ship the cat plays, therefore - there is strong wind and rain.
- - Black cat sneezed at the wedding. They will have a happy marriage!
- - It is good luck to take the cat aboard: there will be nice and calm weather.Nevertheless, if someone accidentally throw the cat overboard - will be bad weather!
- - The cat meows at aboard, tosses and cries - to a storm.
- - If a cat died in the house - the family will not see happiness!
- - In Scandinavia still believe in the existence of "the oil cat. According to them, it helps to cook butter and sour cream.
- - It sits back to the fire - will be a blizzard, storm, wind.
- - The cat jumped over the grave with the dead - to be unfortunate.
- - If a black cat lives in the house - you will have a lot of lovers!
- - It washes ears and snout - strong and abundant rains.
- - If a child pours a cat with water, it will not live to middle age!
- - The best friend on the board of the ship - a cat of three colors. It is believed they are better anticipating the storm.
- - When the fisherman sees a drowned cat, it is better to return home - a bad omen.