In any cat's life comes a time when it needs a partner. Of course, street cats, unlike their purebred counterparts, are much happier: they walk, where they want and give birth to those they like. Nevertheless, for the purebred cats, the owner picks a girlfriend or boyfriend, which in this case is responsible for the future kittens.
No doubt, before deciding to have a cat at home, you should think very carefully - what will you do in case of kittens? Usually, there is more than one kitten in the litter, and not every cat owner wants to see his house full of cats. Especially if you have a female cat.
Finally, you have decided and brought a cat. Sometime later, it has its maternal instinct awakened, and your task now is to find her a perfect match. In order not to "spoil" pedigree, you have to learn all about the origin of the cat you are going to take for mating. Talk to the owner of the animal, and find out what the color was of its kittens in the litter.
You should try to get complete information on the cat's health, behavior, and character traits. In addition, if you do not plan to participate in any cat's shows, then the pedigree of three generations of the cat you want your cat to mate with is enough.
Be sure to negotiate the price of mating, find out about the possibility of re-mating, if the cat is not pregnant, or if there is only one kitten in the litter. Check the cat on the subject of whether he suffered from some diseases in the past, and find out whether he was vaccinated.
It makes sense to visit the house of the cat's owner to see in what conditions he keeps the animal. For example, the sharp smell in the apartment means that it is not everything in order with the cat's litter box, and the cat is poorly kept. Naturally, the place for future mating has to be clean and ventilated.
It often happens that the cat's estrus may stop before mating. The reason is simple - the fear of unfamiliar places and conditions, and moving to the animal is a serious stress. First, you must put a female cat in a prepared box next to the cat. Soon, when the female cat starts to rub against the cage next to the cat, it would mean that it is time to transplant it into a cage with a cat. Otherwise, if the cat shows aggression to people or to the cat, it would be better to take her home and bring her next time.
It also happens that mating occurs between a cat and a female cat of different breeds - as a result, mestizo kittens are born. Naturally, their exterior may remind some of the parents, but these kittens cannot be considered purebred.
You must know that pedigree cats are very prolific - it can take up to twelve female cats a year. In case of failure to satisfy his needs, he will begin to mark territory and howl, and it really can be frustrating for the owner. As for female cats, the picture is quite the same: they will call a cat and leave smelly marks.