Estrum is one of the most important stages in animals life. It stipulates its behavior changes. Every owner should know the reasons of the process. It will help not to demand hard orders from your pet and to prepare for its disobedience.
It is known the mature dog has an estrous cycle. Its important part is estrum. Appearing discharge as slime from genitals is just a part of changes in its body.
The period of awaken instinct
Many owners are afraid of the ovulation not because the slime is ugly. They consider this instinct repellent, because of which the pet forgets about training and rules of behavior.
What should you know about estrum physiology?
First discharge is coincident with the end of physiological period of development of the female dog. Then it takes place once in 6 months. There might be slight deviations depending on individual features of the animal. The external genitals becomes bigger in size. In addition, there is a dam vascular supply, which is the reason of capillary explosion. As a result, the dog is restless and the slime is dark red.
In addition, the animal has stronger appetence for male dogs. In addition, it wants to sniff everything around. During walks, the animal marks territory and becomes aggressive in relation to other female dogs. They experience appetence to male dogs. This lasts for a week and the dogs irritancy rises. In the end of the estrum, there might be the peak of disobedience. Then, the bloody discharge might be clear. This period is called estrus. It aligns with love hunting of the lady dog.
A few tips for the owner whose lady dog has the estrum
To avoid unwanted pregnancy and possible aggression, the dog needs a strict control. It is unlikely to take part at dog shows, and while walking the dog do not let it off the leash and watch it. Often inattentive owners noticed that their dogs began to flirt with other dogs.It is also recommended to limit contact with other animals and abandon trainings.It is undesirable to bathe the favorite in open water.The fact is that when the uterus is active, the loop is poorly covered.Therefore, it is possible to get infections.
There is such an estrum as dry estrum.The discharge amount at this time is minimal.Then the dog does not let dogs to come closer.Even if the owners want the offspring, better control your favorite.It is necessary to walk only on a leash and away from places where the dogs walk.After, your pet and other animals do not need an unnecessary anxiety.
Another argument in favor of the control over pet at this time is the fact that often during the estrum the dog escapes from the owners.They can even get under the wheels.However, you should not worry if the animal is walking in the cottage yard.In this case, it is sufficient to inspect and close the exits.For male dogs, holes in the fence are not an obstacle.The grid would not save, which are made from the cages.If there is a male dog, it is recommended to seat them into different rooms and walk alone.
It is necessary to say a few words about the cleanliness.The dog will stain furniture, only if it is allowed to sit on the sofas and chairs.There is no need to scold her and deny in this period, because she cannot understand what you want from her.Carpet at this time is better to roll and put blankets on the couch and in the car.
Finally, it is not recommended to rely on your knowledge of the nature of domestic pet.There is no doubt that the owners think their dog will never bring a pack of pups, and get the opposite result.
Incidentally, special underwear fabric are commercially available.There are in all pet stores.There are six sizes of this underwear.They are ideal for all breeds.It is better not to put them on the animal for the whole day.In addition, it is necessary to take into account that they do not help during a walk.
What should you know about how to interrupt the estrum?
If the owners do not want their favorite to give birth to puppies, they need to ensure that it runs as a loop.However, you can apply the methods of behavior control of the pet.There are two of them.
The first option is sterilization.Of course, such a procedure is expensive, but the owners can be sure that the dog does not overburden them with puppies and will not engage in a love hunting.Alternatively, you can give her drugs prescribed by a vet.They regulate estrous cycle and do not take the dog a chance to become a mother.
However, to give hormones is recommended only when necessary.For example, if there is an urgent need to go to the dog show, refusing to participate in which will be too late to return the money. However, this situation is not a problem for those who have a carrying or a car.