The German wirehaired pointer is a breed for real hunters who are looking for a loyal companion. Moreover, as a rule, many hunters find the German wire-haired pointer a partner in the difficult hunt for prey. However, this breed of dogs is suitable for home keeping, these animals adapt well to the apartment conditions.
Speaking about the nature of the representatives of this breed, it is worth noting that this is a very active and mobile dog. If they do not exercise regularly, but simply sit back, it can affect their mood and even health. These dogs like to do something; they like to help their masters in their affairs. If this pet has nothing to do but could do, it starts barking for no reason, behaves uncontrollably and that much more importantly can start nibbling and spoiling things of the owner which will bring a lot of trouble later.
The German wirehaired pointer is very attached to its owner, and when it parts with him, it begins to experience fear and anxiety. This is the worst possible version of a pet for people who work much, often on business trips, and rarely are at home. Also, these dogs are very jealous and easily are jealous of their masters to other people, so from childhood you need to teach the animal to unfamiliar people to the dog, friends of the family, to show that other people are not aliens and are not a threat to it.
If there are small children in the family, it is not recommended to get dogs of this breed. Nevertheless, with older children, the German wire-haired pointer could get along. If there are other animals at home, this dog will try to dominate them, trying to show their superiority, but in general, will safely get along with other pets.
We can say, the representatives of this breed are easily teachable. The situation is quite the opposite if you teach it anything and want it to do that properly, it is necessary to carry out long and hard training from childhood.
The German wirehaired pointer has a well-developed sense of smell, by which it can easily track prey in any terrain, trace and ultimately bring the caught prey to its owner. Moreover, since this breed is very energetic, tireless, and hardy, do not be afraid of any hunting on land or on water, the dog will show itself on a high level in any terrain.