Dog owners very often ask dog handlers for help to smooth out the aggressive behavior of a four-legged pet. Many of them refuse to believe that they are the cause of this nature in the animal. Most of the pets’ habits are formed under the influence of the man.
Causes of dog's aggression
To find out the true reasons for the inadequate behavior of the dog, you must carefully examine its life and, especially, its relationship with all the family members, in which the dog lives. The most common reasons are:
- • lack of communication with the animal;
- • severe physical punishment;
- • rude treatment of the animal;
- • very spoiled dog.
Often aggressive behavior is connected with a desire to dominate in the house. Especially, these traits manifest themselves in male dogs during puberty. Dogs try to take a leading position in the presence of a person using their natural instincts. In lady dogs, these behavior peculiarities sometimes occur, but only at an earlier age.
Methods of behavior correction
First communication with the dog should be excluded even the possibility of physical punishment. This is especially for puppies and adolescent dogs. The animal, sensing rudeness on the part of a man, gets angry and at any time can show aggression. Angry attacks can be directed not only at the person who is punished by a dog but also at strangers.
From an early age, correct accents in domination, and the pet will grow up with a healthy psyche and adequate behavior among people. You must adhere to the principle: "An owner is a man, and the dog follows his decisions and orders". In this case, the animal does not have the desire to achieve superiority over the power of man. With proper training, usually, there are no problems with the behavior of dogs.
Pet must know prohibiting commands. They are required when it tries to take something from the dinner table, climb on the bed, or play with baby toys. Use the same commands while training. In this case, the dog quickly sets reflexes and generates a pattern of behavior. If a dog does not follow the order, we cannot ignore this fact. It is necessary to make the animal follow your order.
During friendly games, you can occasionally yield to the primacy of the dog. However, in the end, the master wins the game. The pet must understand that the leading role belongs to the man. Some dog experts do not recommend keeping the toy at the disposal of the dog after the game. Also, do not allow wagging and tearing of things for a long time, as it provokes a further manifestation of aggressive qualities.
It is necessary to work out dog obedience during the meal. The pet should start eating only at the allowing command. It is necessary to achieve perfect obedience to it. That is if the owner takes the bowl with food and gives the command "Sit!", the dog must follow it, but not to achieve selected food with roaring. This will help to prevent the future occurrence of aggression toward other dogs and the man at the sight of food.
The dog, which grew up in an atmosphere of peace, good relations, and literacy education will never show even a small sign of aggression. Lack of knowledge and fear of internal commands allow the four-legged friend to adequately respond to any changes in the situation.