Surely everyone faced the fact, as the negative impact on the atmosphere of family when someone of its members is ill.It refers to a situation when the dog is sick, which cannot even say what illness it has.
Most dog diseases are directly related to their diet.Of course, the first step is to consult on problems encountered with the vet.Nevertheless, first, not always such a possibility exists, and secondly, you always want to understand the reasons.There are only three basic: a disorder of the digestive system, food intolerances and allergies to certain foods.
Consider the symptoms that are most likely to indicate the origin of the disease.
The disorder of the digestive systemThe main symptoms are lack of dogs appetite, regular vomiting and diarrhea, lethargy of the animal and aero genesis.The reasons are many reasons of weakness.It can be caused by infections such as intestinal form of plague, viral hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus enteritis.The consequence of the disease may be a pathology of internal organs responsible for digestion, and even the heart.
If your pet has persistent vomiting and acute diarrhea, it is most likely that there is a poisoning.Perhaps the reason is the dogs food, and you may have not noticed, and the dog ate something while walking.In this case, it is necessary as soon as possible contact your vet to locate intoxication.If you lead time, it could affect the violation of the liver, kidneys and pancreas of the animal.
It is clear that in the case of an infectious disease, the reference to vet is necessary.
Food intolerance
It is characterized by a negative reaction of the gastrointestinal tract to food components, e.g., dyes and food additives.
Try to move to a high-quality dog feed.It should contain a large number of animal proteins.As protein, sources offer the dog rice or barley.The structure of high-quality forage includes pro- and prebiotics that help to effectively recycle the maximum amount of nutrients derived from food.
Try to avoid an abrupt transition from one food to another, as it can also provoke food intolerance.Change the diet gradually.Mix the old feed with the new one, increasing the amount of the new one for 5-7 days.This is one of the few cases that do not require mandatory consultation with a vet.
Food allergy
It is a reaction of the immune system of the dog for food ingredients, usually proteins or glycoproteins.
From a food intolerance, which manifests itself over a long period, an allergic reaction features high speed of its occurrence.Allergies can cause even a small dose of some food.Among the well-known potentially hazardous and common products: pork and beef, chicken and fish, dairy products, cereals (wheat, soybeans, and corn).
Symptoms of food allergy are expressed in the redness of the skin of dogs in the ears and armpits, in the groin, on the face and legs.In the affected areas, hair falls from combing in tufts: secondary yeast and bacterial infections may occur.
The most difficult in the treatment of this disease is to determine what kind of substance is an allergen.With a certain degree of accuracy the allergen immunologic tests conducted in the laboratory will help to identify the allergen.Before contacting your vet, you can start giving the dog in small doses of antihistamines in small amounts.