Often in crossword puzzles there is a question about the second acumen or intelligent breed of dog.Allow me to disagree with the statement that Laika is the second after Shepherd.This misconception is based on the classification of dogs (husky relates to the hunting dogs and Shepherd belongs to service dogs).It is impossible to imagine something that a shepherd can do and husky fails in the same situation.At the same time, there are plenty of things that only Laika can do.As a bear, for example, is bayed only by these dogs. Another reason for the bias is the across-breed hobby of breeders by foreign breeds.A dog is not a car, not a TV or a microwave.It is, first, your pet, a friend and a family member if you wish.There are several reasons that do not allow passing the palm to Laika.
Never get a Laika puppy older than 3 months, or take it from another owner to which it has accustomed.It is believed that animals forget their previous life experiences over time, but this is not the case, especially with regard to Laikas.In this case, it, of course, adapts to the new man, will obey his commands (especially when it comes to hunting), but would not show true devotion.
Laika is vital to stay in the country for at least 2 hours daily.Parks, squares, or something like that do not fit.It needs to catch or to try to catch a mouse, chase birds (this is still a hunter).Not everyone likes dug lawns in the park or running at a tremendous speed dog that barks loudly and scares others.Of course, the dog with proper training (we intentionally do not use the term "education") follows the orders of the owner and behaves obediently everywhere.Nevertheless, if you do not give it the necessary liberties, then you should not complain about the hair that does not shine, bad temper and poor health of the pet.It is best to regularly go hunting.Therefore, Laika is not good for life in the big city.It will feel good the suburbs of a small town, and ideally - a village.How to keep up with the poodles, Chow dogs or the same shepherds in the popularity rating?
A leash and Laika are incompatible concepts; even the enclosure is not suitable.This breed of dog has to move with the owner, except for the cases when the dog follows the order to guard anything.Many people, especially hunters, build a spacious open-air enclosure, and feel that comfortable conditions are provided.This way from an excellent, smart, sociable, and resourceful dog turns out a vicious hunter, unable to learn new things and to communicate with the person.
The most surprising advantage of Laikas is that it almost does not need to be educated.The list of standard commands ("Down!", "Sit!", "Heel!" and so on), it masters a maximum during two weeks.It can follow such orders as not to take food from strangers, guard a left item and other thing after two or three trainings, but it would seem difficult for the other breeds of dog.If the dog is unlimited in the movement, it remembers the words of a man being constantly beside him.It is not surprising that in a month or two of living together at the request to bring the slippers, it will bring them, not the remote for the TV.Here, the Shepherd surprises.
Unfortunately, the normal conditions of keeping Laikas can provide a small number of people.In an age of rampant urbanization, it is difficult for a person to communicate with their own kind, so what to say about dogs.However, do not forget that dogs are great, regardless of the breed.Each of them has its own unique features that are dear to people. Laika is a combination of the best qualities of all the representatives of the dog world.