Documenting purebred Cocker spaniels breeders began in 1850, although most of it was verbal information.
Spaniel Club was formed in England in 1885, and immediately began work on the development of standards for the "cocker spaniel" breed. Before, spaniels differed by weight. Other features of the breed were not taken into account.
English Kennel Club recognized the Cocker as a breed in 1892. In 1901, the weight limits were lifted as a sign of the breed.
In 1902, because of an offer from James Farrow, Kennel Club approved the breed standard of "cocker spaniel".
General appearance:
- - English Cocker Spaniel is an attractive, active, fun dog with a short body and strong limbs. Energetic moves; powerful gait. It is well-balanced and has great endurance. The head is massive of individual form, peculiar only to it, and is in perfect proportion to the body. The shape of the head is smooth. The snout is separated from the forehead with a marked bend.
- - The skull and forehead should be well developed, without a hint of coarseness, arched and slightly flattened if to watch from the base of the skull to the end, and from ear to ear. The skull and the snout should be of equal size. The snout should be square and proportional to the width of the skull.
- - As a Cocker spaniel is a hunting and sporting dog, its face and jaws must be strong and large enough to carry the game. The length of the snout should be quite large for the development of the olfactory nerve.
- - The nose is large. The nostrils are wide and well-developed. The nostrils' color is black, brown is allowed, but black is preferred.
- - Lips are square, full, but free of flux.
- - The teeth should be straight.
- - The eyes should be medium size; slightly oval, set wide apart, and eyelids tightly fit the eyes. The eye color is dark brown, walnut color is also allowed, but the darker eyes are, the better it is. The general expression of the eyes is cheerful and smart.
- - The ears are long, hanging, and set close to the head. The ears begin at eye level and reach the tip of the nose. The skin on the ears is thin. Silky ears require regular care. It is necessary the ears do not fall into the bowl of food. They should be cleaned every week with a solution for cleaning the ears of dogs. Ears are covered with long, silky straight, or slightly wavy hair.
- - The neck is long and lean, muscular and strong.
- - Forelimbs:
Shoulders are sloping and well-developed. The forelegs are straight and with strong bones almost equal in size from elbow to heel. The elbows are set close to the body. Straight short and strong patterns.
- Body:
The height at the withers should be 39-40, 5 cm for males and 38-39 cm for females. Weight from 45 to 90 kg.
The body of the dog is short and strong. The length of the back from the withers to the tail should be approximately equal to the height from the ground to the withers. The height at the withers must be greater than the height of the hip, providing a gradual slope between these points. It must give the impression of great strength without heaviness. The chest is deep and well-developed, but not too wide and round, so as not to interfere with the action of the forelegs. The depth of the chest should reach to the elbow, gradually sloping up to the waist.
Ribs ascend gradually to the middle of the body, must be of a good depth, and extend well back.
The loin is short and strong, slightly arched.
- Hind limbs:
Thighs should be rounded, broad and well developed, and muscular. The knees are strong and well-bent. Pads are thick, with strong digits.
The tail must be through the upper line of the back, just below the spinal, omitted. The tail is constantly in motion.
The character of the English Cocker Spaniel is extremely serious. It is characterized by love and loyalty to its master and family, vigilance, and courage. The dog is smart and of a cheerful disposition. It is not quarrelsome. It is obedient and responds well to training.
English Cocker Spaniel is good with children, and a wonderful companion. It needs daily exercise to release energy.
It is a wonderful dog for many activities - hunting, tracking, and games. Although Cocker Spaniels are alert, they will not attack strangers. They are not suitable for home security.
The Cocker Spaniel is sensitive and quickly learns, especially when training is carried out by motivational methods.
English Cocker Spaniel is in need of human interaction. It requires attention and exercise when you get home.
It should be noted this breed is characterized by a certain independence while walking or hunting, but never disappears from your sight. At home, it keeps closer to you, watches when you are having a shower, shares a bed with you, etc.
The hair on the head is short and thin. The hair on the body is slightly wavy and silky.
Color is different. The color should be evenly distributed throughout the body. The roan color includes a variety of colors: blue, liver, red, orange, and lemon. The roan means the desirable is gray hair evenly distributed throughout the body.
Medium-length hair requires some care. The coat consists of long guard hairs and a soft undercoat.
Cocker spaniels are groomed by machine or scissors. The hunting dog is cut short.
Nails are also clipped. Teeth are cleaned with a toothbrush with toothpaste for dogs.
Cons of the breed:
- - the snout is too short or narrowed,
- - Saggy or short cheeks,
- - Sharpened or pendulous lips,
- - the skull is too flat or rounded,
- - light-colored, round or protruding eyes,
- - the ears are set too high, too wide,
- - the neck is short, straight or loaded shoulders,
- - the feet are too close or too far apart,
- - it is too short at the withers, hunchbacked,
- - the paws are too big or small,
- - the tail is set too low, short, or long.
Deviations from the ideal height should be severely penalized, but not the cause of disqualification.