The friendship between a man and a dog has been going on for thousands of years, as long as the first man tamed this wonderful animal. Today, there are more than three hundred and thirty breeds officially registered and the number is growing rapidly every year. With such a huge variety, it is very difficult to choose the very breed that is right for you, the modern man, and the inhabitant of the city. Let us consider the main issues; the answers help you to correctly choose your dog. Correct and honest answers to these, as it seems at first sight, simple questions help you to choose a dog specifically for you and your family.
In order to choose the right dog for your life in an apartment you will need:
- - know the purpose of choosing a dog;
- - have free time and necessary material resources for the future of a family member;
- - all households should agree with the advent of the dog in your house;
- - The absence of allergies to wool in you and your children;
- - compatibility of the character and temperament of the owner and four-legged candidate for potential member of the family;
- - have enough room in the apartment;
- - know the dimensions of your future four-legged friend;
- - know the length of its coat;
- - decide its sex;
- - select a dog breed;
- - choose the nursery;
- - personally meet with the breeder;
- - get acquainted with pedigree of the dog personally;
- - see the conditions of detention and breeding dogs on your own eyes;
- - choosing a puppy focus not only on a puppy, but also its parents. Rate appearance, overall, the absence of congenital malformations and external injuries.
So are you ready to take on board a new quad passenger. The first and a very important question is: Why should I take the dog? Why do i need it? The dog is always chosen for a specific function. The objective defines its function. In other words, what it would have to do and what role will play in your life. If you are an avid hunter, you will choose a dog for hunting species. If you have a large country house, you will choose a loyal and reliable guard. If you serve in the police or as an employee of the special services, you just need to select a service dog breed. If you are a resident of a huge, multi-million metropolis, you will choose a dog from small lap dog breeds. Among the inhabitants of the city, many single people are looking for simple warmth. Lap dogs like no other, suit to this role. Believe me, they do an excellent job with this role. For this role, it is safely possible to give an Oscar.
A dog is a living creature. It loves good and tasty meal, walk for a long time and even sometimes strongly and seriously be ill. In addition to this, it is necessary to educate it. There is a simple rule, if you do not educate your dog, then, over time, the dog will command you. Initially, decide first for yourself. Are you willing to spend on a dog your own life, leisure time and material resources. As we know, time is the most important resource that is irreparable. Time does not like to be killed or wasted.
You have to have the agreement of all your family members to get a new four-legged friend. If you are willing to take a dog, and your beloved spouse will be strongly opposed, or even strictly contrary. Then, it is unlikely to get a dog.
If you already have children. Lack of allergy to wool is also important factor that significantly affects the appearance of the dog in your house.
As you know, dogs resemble their owners. Therefore, the next step in choosing a dog is compatibility of characters and tempers of the owner and his pet. If you are an active person with an active lifestyle, which has a cheerful and mischievous character, at the same time actively engaged in sports, running in the morning somewhere in the city park, you just need a dog with the same character and mentality, as well as you. Melancholic dogs and intellectuals will hardly suit you.
Size always matters, and the size of the dog is of utmost importance. If you live in an apartment with total area of 30 square meters, you will hardly get a huge dog, for example, such as the Tibetan Mastiff. A dog as a man, just need living space. In which your pet, on a level with other family members, will move freely. Where it will eat, where and how it will sleep, and even more defecate, manage its natural needs, if the daily walk in any way is not provided. The lack of living space will cause in your pet apathy, depression, depressed emotional state, which ultimately has a negative impact on its health and its overall health.
Of great importance is the length of your pet's coat. Its hair is short or long. This will affect how often you will groom, wash and comb it. The content of the longhaired dogs in urban housing conditions is extremely undesirable.
When selecting a future family pet, an important role plays its sex. Boys tend to be more dominant and show aggression, as well as close to other people. Girls are more affectionate and friendly to the people around them. It is also important to consider that many species have congenital disorders, which may lead them to rabies, madness and various mental pathologies, leading to tragic consequences, sometimes even fatal.
Decide another very important moral and ethical question. The question of a possible sterilization of the animal. The answer to this question is to find for himself. Because your actions have a significant impact not only on its life but also on its fate. Remember, you are responsible for the one whom you have tamed.
You have decided what dog you want to see in your home. Now it is time to decide the breed. To select the breed in your arsenal there are many sources of information. Begin with the Internet. You will find an infinite number of useful content resources for dogs and dedicated to them. These are of different kind online communities, numerous information portals and specialized forums. In addition, the YouTube will help you to choose a breed. On its pages, you can see your breed live and simultaneously listen to the opinions of owners of dogs. Of course, do not forget about the various TV shows and magazines about animals dedicated to them.
You have chosen the breed, read reviews about it, got acquainted with the history of occurrence, with the living conditions, education and training. You have collected all the important and necessary information to choose your dog breed. All this great work you need to choose the nursery. It is the nursery where you for your own money, will get yourself a new family member. It is important at this stage to deal only with the nurseries.
Kennel is a kind of organization, which guarantees you high quality offspring, in accordance with the established for this breed international standards. It is for this reason, it is not advisable to buy puppies in different markets. There is no guarantee for their quality there.
Choosing a nursery. Call the kennel owner or breeder of the breed. At this stage, the acquisition is very important personal touch. Very important is meeting face to face.
For you, it is important to see the kennel. Terms of keeping and breeding of puppies. Personally get acquainted with the pedigree of a dog couple. Rate the appearance and overall health of puppies. It is important that the puppies had no congenital malformations injuries, external defects of the skin or hair, various mental disorders.
It is possible to determine not only by the appearance of the future member of your family, but also its parents. Most likely, you will not see the father. Pay close attention to your dog's mother. How does she look like? How does she behave? How does she treat the people around her? Remember, the mother is 50% of your future family member.
A dog is not a toy. This is another small child. It is above all a great responsibility. We are responsible for those whom we have tamed. Always remember this. I wish you all happiness, good, good health and great love!