Every normal future owner of the four-legged friend has such a question.Where to find the answer?Now, in the networks of the Internet we can find all sorts of information and material about the peculiarities of dog breeds and a range of criteria of one or the other puppy.This is all, of course, very important, but at any site, you will not find those criteria, which should have the owner of the dog.We often overestimate our own skills, desires, needs, opportunities, power, as well as the level of patience, stamina and health in the end.Initially, therefore, everyone needs to honestly answer the following questions:
Why do I need a dog?
How many hours a day can I spend with it?
Who will take care of a dog when I am out?
Whether other family members put up with my decision to have a four-legged friend?
Can I ensure proper care for the dog?
Am I able to take care of it when it grows up not quite what I expected?
The worst of your goals may be the goal to buy a dog to guard your property, being on a leash!It is unknown at what stage of dog breeding development this terrible tradition has formed, but we can say that for a dog cannot be anything worse than to be detached from its mother in its careless puppy hood and be on the leash for life, and die there.Any dog does not deserve that!
The blind race for fashion trends also cannot be the reason in choosing a dog.The massive boom on certain breeds happened more than once, and each time it extended no more than 2-3 years.Then the fashion for dogs disappeared.People just grabbed the currently central dogs and cats at the time, but there were no time to know the origin, use and features of keeping.Then owners massively suffer from the dogs behavior and health.Such Booms experienced Chow dogs, Shar Pei dogs, pugs, Stafford shire and other breeds.Currently, Huskies undergo through it.Seeing the cute little husky, people come to the delight and forget about the fact that this animal will be a puppy only for a short time, and the rest years they will have to contend with a rather stubborn creature.Many people have an intense and busy schedule, regular travels and duties.It does not allow them to get a dog.
If you have to spend more than 12 hours a day away from home, you must forget about the idea of a four-legged friend.Nowadays, there are many opportunities to travel with pets, but sometimes we still have to abandon it.Before you leave your pet with friends or in a dog hotel, think about how much the change of scenery influence the dog, or a man who will take care of it, will be able to establish friendly contact.Are these people enough competent to cope in an emergency and whether they provide the necessary medical care.
If your family views on the purchase of a dog are very different, there is nothing good in it. If only one family member is against it, you have to think over this step.
Calculate how much money you have to spend each month on dog food, vet services, accessories, training and so on.You will not be able to postpone the time of vaccination or treatment because of lack of money, training must also be in time, but not when funds permit.
- Very often, the owners lose the original interest in pet after when it becomes clear that the dog did not live up to expectations:
- Descendant of champions does not bring the expected victory;
- Dogs are not suitable for mating;
- The unexpected flaw of the breed;
- It does not perform its intended functions.
If you are sure that you can cope with all of the above, you will be able to find solutions to all the problems; you will not increase the number of owners who abandoned animals; if you are willing to put up with the spoiled shoes and torn wallpaper with the described rugs, if you know that you can stop suffering an animal and euthanize it if necessary, if the answers on all of these questions are yes, sure then, perhaps, you are ready to get a dog...