Pet owners very often end in a fiasco in training their pets in the type of behavior they believe is most suitable for bred and adapted to life in the community of living being.
The reason for the failure is in the fact they forget or do not want to understand that a dog is easily amenable to training when the owner spends classes with it, not by some natural talent or characteristics of the breed. The animal adopts skills of behavior only then when passes the stages of learning. However, this process takes time.
As children in school, dogs need training on schedule. Children who do not attend secondary school and are not used to discipline, cannot fully adapt to life in society. The dog, which has not classes on the schedule, easily loses control and behaves as its instincts suggest it, and not such as we would expect from the "man's friend".
Formation of a "personality" in a pet requires a clearly designated and allotted on strict schedule time with a human, physical exercise, nutrition, and training directly.
The basis of the success of the last point is the leadership
The dog for training requires the presence of the leader in its "flock." That the owner of the animal, which will be able to fulfill the role of the "leader" in the training process, can claim to be a successful dog handler.
The work of raising the dog cannot pass separately without the internal awareness of humans that the result depends only on him and spent effort. The dog subconsciously feels the fear and uncertainty of its "master". Be a respected "leader" whose behavior and actions are not discussed and your pet will understand it is necessary to obey and follow, otherwise, it will not survive in this world.
Nevertheless, do not be fascinated by totalitarianism. Remember, discipline and punishment are vestiges, beating leads to the humiliation of a living being, it will be afraid of you, and do not respect your authority.
Repeat commands and do the same exercise repeatedly. It is tedious. Nevertheless, you will not have to punish the dog. In addition, each repetition is one more step to success. The only warning: do not let your annoyance destroy your nascent partnership with animals; throw you on the goal and the sidetrack to the failure of the training program.
Do not teach your dog as if you are dealing with a person. A dog is a dog. Love your pet, but treat it like an animal, not like a little child. Define the role and place of the dog in the "pack" in your home. Only then, you will be able to count on success. The absence of "its" place in the hierarchy, when a kiss in the nose is followed by shouts and punishment leads to failure in teaching.
Draw boundaries for your pet. If the barking of the animal on passing people by your house annoys you, get this aspect of education. If the dog comes into the kitchen when you are not at home, teach it where it is supposed to be when you are not home.
Persistence is not cruelty. For example, having allowed the dog to eat the remains of food from your plate, thinking that tomorrow it will eat exclusively from the bowl, you put a "bomb" under the whole process of training in food intake in strictly designated areas. There is no "once you can". Dogs do not understand that tomorrow its strong desire to lick the plates for family members - is "bad".
In the education of normal dogs, the cultural family member with a tail and four legs should involve all the inhabitants of the house. All family members must become one "teaching staff", showing the animal, which actions are approved by the "pack members", while others - not. You can argue that there is "the leader", that is you. Why does the rest of the house? They are at different social steps only for you and for the dog; all members of your family are the dominant individuals, regardless of age and height. They should also be aware of their dominance with respect to the role of the dog and behave accordingly.
Do not delay raising a dog on the back burner. It is never too late to start working on it and yourself. No matter who lives at your home, a puppy or an adult dog, start training it right now.