By the year, a Rottweiler puppy becomes big, with strong muscles. Male dog's weight reaches to 60 kg and his height at withers is from 60 to 69 cm, and the lady-dog's weight does not exceed 50 kg while having a height of about 63 cm. With such an impressive size of this breed, there is only one color - black with brown markings. If you look at the exterior of the animal, the first you see is its impressive face with a square jaw and a big mouth, with round black eyes that carefully watch and evaluate what is happening. A characteristic feature of this breed is the desire for leadership. Therefore, the main task of a human in training a Rottweiler is to take a dominant position. The dog must feel who the boss in the house is. Train your dog during daily walks. Seek for the proper following of the order. Never show aggression towards the pet. Rottweilers are very devoted to their masters, their family. In any case, they come to the aid and will protect from the negative environment close people.
Watching the Rottweiler, I have the thought, that this dog should have a large living space. I would like to advise to keep it in the country house or in the village. They have good watch qualities, so you do not have to worry about the property. They treat your guests with restraint and care. They bark very rarely. If the dog lives with the other animals in the house, it tolerates them. It treats kindly family members. It will never hurt little children.
Taking care of a dog, you should stock up on nutrition in advance. You decide what feeds you choose - whether it is manufacturing dry feeds or porridge with meat and vegetables. The main thing that the dog has enough vitamins. While grooming hair, it is advisable to use a brush to help remove not only dirt but dead hair too. In the summer, deal with parasites. I want to advise to use special shampoo and drops, and you can use flea collars for more certainty. Do not forget about the winter as the dog has short hair. The dog is exposed to the cold. Therefore, it is necessary to keep it at home at the time of severe frosts. You can also buy warm clothing or a blanket. In conclusion, I want to wish good luck in training and keeping such not a simple pet.