There are many things that bring up the cost of the dog outside of the purchase price – and these include crates, toys, beds, kennels, food, and health issues. While health testing is at an all-time high for breeders who are working hard to eliminate the problems in their breeds, there are still many people out there who simply don’t know or don’t care about how health problems can affect our lives as well as our dog’s.
Many dog lovers are willing to pay thousands for specific breeds of dogs. Here are the top 10 most expensive breeds in the world. Please Note: The cost is generally based on breeder, location and bloodlines.
№1 English Bulldog

English Bulldogs are gaining popularity by the day, and their silly personalities are likely the reason why. But this breed comes at a cost, and we’re not just talking about the up-front purchase price of a puppy – which can reach up to $3,000 alone. English Bulldogs are prone to a multitude of health problems, which means excess trips to the veterinarian and more medical bills than your average breed. English Bulldogs live roughly 8-10 years, which means there’s a chance you’ll be stuck with veterinarian bills for quite a while.
№2 German Shepherd

One of the most popular dogs in the world also happens to be one of the least healthy. It’s unfortunate, but true. A well-bred German Shepherd can be difficult to find, and you’re likely to spend around $2,500 regardless of bloodline. Like the English Bulldog, German Shepherds require more than just the purchase price of the puppy. In fact, their decreasing health is part of the reason for their decline in work fields such as police, military, and search and rescue.
№3 French Bulldog

Just like their English cousins, French Bulldogs often have a multitude of ailments in just one specimen. Although their temperaments are typically wonderful, their physical health results in veterinarian bills that increase over time. A French Bulldog puppy is also not a cheap purchase, so keep these costs in mind when considering your next pet.
№4 Chow Chow

This Chinese breed is one of the oldest dog breeds in existence today, as confirmed by DNA tests studying these dogs and other breeds and their ancestors. Originally developed as a multi-purpose working dog, Chows have excelled at herding, hunting, guarding, and pulling. Due to the age of the breed, many changes have been made, some better than others. With Chows, your overall cost will be the purchase price, the cost of grooming over the lifetime of the dog, and any health issues that may have popped up.
№5 Tibetan Mastiff

Tibetan Mastiffs are large guardians, with thick coats and stubborn temperaments. While health issues don’t pop up as often in this breed, they are still there and are something to be aware of. Like the Chow Chow, the Tibetan Mastiff has a thick coat that can also more easily harbor fleas and mites, though a careful owner will be able to avoid infestations. Frequent, regular grooming is a must to prevent any matted fur and skin infections.
№6 Irish Wolfhound

The Irish Wolfhound is the largest dog breed in existence, and their size must be taken into consideration when thinking about purchasing a puppy or adopting an older dog. Large dogs need more food, larger crates, beds, kennels, and toys. They are often more expensive to board at a kennel if you’re going out of town, and even regular medication for simple ailments or procedures are going to cost more money.
№7 Great Dane

Another large breed like the Irish Wolfhound, the Great Dane comes at the cost of every extremely large dog breed there is, including more food and medication, dog crates and beds, and boarding costs. Heart conditions, hip and elbow dysplasia, and bloat are common ailments in the breed that can result in expensive treatments that last the lifetime of the dog.
№8 Rottweiler

These beautiful guardians can be quite expensive to purchase, as a puppy or as an adult dog. Because many are bred for working ability and show quality, the cost of the breed has gone up substantially. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean you’ll find yourself with a healthy pet, as there are many conditions that Rottweilers are predisposed to, and most not at fault of the breeder. While the Rottweiler is a loyal and loving companion, the ailments found in the breed are unfortunately very expensive to treat.
№9 Bernese Mountain Dog

Not only are these gentle giants prone to the vast majority of issues that all other large breeds have, they have thick coats that require regular grooming. While the coat needs only weekly brushing, their ears require special treatment as they can trap bacteria and become infected if not regular cleaned. Bernese Mountain Dogs may face early loss of mobility and a decreased lifespan.
№10 Basset Hound

Bassets are a large breed in a smaller body, because of their shortened legs. Because of their dwarfism, they are typically kept and treated as larger breed dogs, such as bigger meals and more expensive medications. Unfortunately, this also means they are prone to the same ailments that large breeds can have. Their droopy eyes can become infected if not kept clean, as well as the folds around their mouths and faces. As with other breeds, hip and elbow dysplasia are also concerns.