Traditionally it is believed the presence in the house of any pet, especially, involves caring for it, and responsibility for its health and life. In the case of a dog, the owner of the animal, the responsible attitude implies not only timely feeding, treatment and care, but also a mandatory training. Application for this purpose electrified collar started recently, in contrast to Europe, where the effects of such a method is applied to the seventies of the last century.
Of course, the main question is how safe and humane is using an electric dog collar. Most professional dog trainers agree that today electric dog collar is the most modern means of training has a high efficiency and its impact is much more humane than, to say, using a prong collar or leash jerk. Also necessarily included in the receiver and transmitter kit, current models of collars fit with a multi-stage digital controller, which helps to determine the safe level of exposure for each individual dog. In addition, the electric discharge voltage is not more than 5 kW, but not directed impact on the nervous system, but exclusively on the muscles and the skin of the dog. Thus, the current application is unpleasant but not harmful to the animal.
The undoubted advantage of the use of radio-electrified collar can be considered and that the trainer acts at a distance, so the dog does not associate psychological discomfort caused by a current pulse with a man. Thus, the emotional load is reduced and the dog does not have negative emotions related to the person.
When electric collar is properly used, it becomes the most highly efficient, accurate and rapid means to correct the dog behavior significantly. In order to achieve the positive effect of training, it should be remembered that the use of electrified collar suggests the adverse effects (discomfort caused by current discharge) must necessarily coincide with the undesirable effects for the dog. The use of the discharge current with a delay, after a while is able to nullify the results already achieved: the dog simply does not understand the relationship between the offense and punishment. Begin dog training preferably with minimum current pulse level, gradually increasing it as necessary. The negative impact of the current should be applied in doses that do not cause fear or aggression in dog during training.
Another advice from professional trainers: avoid the dogs unwanted communication with a collar. In other words, wearing radio collars should not cause negative in dogs. Otherwise, the dogs behavior is directly related to the presence of the collar, and will not be the result of working out common obedience techniques. Prevent this effect in rather simple way: let the dog wear a collar some time without using it, do not wear a collar, but take control of it, and vice versa, walk in the electrified radio collars and do not take control, and more.
Even with the relative safety of this method of training is necessary to remember: when using radio-electrified collars it is necessary to follow all the rules and methods of training. Proper use of the appliance to avoid negative consequences for the health of the dog. Therefore, before starting on training by the radio-electrified collar, professional trainers recommend the owners to train themselves.
It should be recognized the use of electric collars as a means to influence the dog in training has much debate among ordinary dog owners, as well as among professional coaches. Many dog breeders initially are confused it is the application of an electric current discharge, often there are concerns whether the use of the collar will not affect the health of the dog or its psyche. However, anyone who even slightly is versed in dog training knows that to achieve a successful result in the development of some of the commands and skills is realistic only by rewards and positive emotions. For example, when developing vital command Off! In addition, the choice of electrified radio collar as a way of training depends on the character and temperament of your four-legged friend. After all, dogs like people, can have qualities such as stubbornness or aggression. In any case, every dog owner can decide for himself if this method is acceptable.