Happy dog owners may not read this article; it is designed for those who are only going to get a new loyal friend.
In order not to overshadow the joyful moment of the puppy appearance in the house, you need to prepare. The time has come - you will become the dog owner very soon. You must understand that this is a little creature that has just been taken away from its mother and its family. In addition, you will become his new family.You can decide to take the adult dog, which simply needs to adapt and understand that you are his new friend Whichever options you choose, it is necessary to prepare in advance for this meeting. First, you need to read the specialized literature, find the addresses of the nearest vet clinics and read or know reviews about them, get acquainted with the methods of first aid to an animal. It is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the care of chosen pet. For example, long haired dogs, or conversely, hairless dogs require specific care.It is worth to decide for what purpose you get the dog: guarding, hunting or fishing, cheerful companion, or, on the contrary, calm and even melancholic one.
There is a huge number of products for pets at the zoological market.Items for games, pet clothes, and carryings - the choice is so vast that cannot even list everything.We need a lot of experience in order to puzzle out this variety of items for the animals.A common problem is that we often buy what do not use then.Not only big purchase of animals, but sometimes small - toys, utensils for animal food can cost a lot of money.How not to get in a deadlock and buy only what you need for your pet.Let us look at this together.
Place to sleep
The very first thing is to think about a "place" where your pet will be comfortable to sleep and rest.Dog experts recommend learning the command "Down!" one of the first.A properly equipped space helps to study the command.quot;Down!" plays an important role in the fact the dog will feel at home.It is not only the place where the dog will sleep and rest, but it will be a personal territory for it, where it could take itself or by your immediate command.The first rule is it should not be in the pass.Indeed, in this case, the animal will not be able to properly rest. The bedding will disturb you also.Many people believe the best bed is a hallway, but it is not so.Since in this case, you will not secure an apartment, and it can blow from the door, and the corridor sounds unlikely give your animal proper rest.A place on the tile or concrete floor will be uncomfortable.Your dog may catch a cold, and animals tolerate colds worse than people do.
Preferred requirements for arranging the dog place:
- - There should not be drafts, but it must necessarily be aired.
- - There should not be dark, but too bright light is also not good.
- - Dog place should not be in the places where you constantly walk.After all, if you and your family members keep walking past the dog, it will not be able to have a rest normally.
- - A corner or a place near the wall are the best places. This will give the animal a greater sense of security.
- - A place for dog's bedding in plain view is not the best option.
Even though the dog is also a social being, as a cat, but unlike it, it is very attached to its seat. Another important tip is to let the animal to determine the place to relax and sleep.
Once you have decided on the place, it is time to move on to the selection of special bedding for your pet. Your choice should be focused on the dog's size, not only as a puppy, but also more mature. Even if your dog currently weighs 3 kg, later the weight can be up to 30 or even more kg, whereas a small puppy no longer fits on a small pillow. As mentioned above, the dog is very accustomed to its place, and it will be difficult to replace it later. The bedding size should be sufficient. After all, the dog may turn and roll over in its sleep, so it should not be dumped on the cool floor or fall out of the bumpers. The bedding should be soft and thick. An old carpet and especially tarpaulins is not the best idea. That will not provide comfort for the dog, but also its hair in the elbow area starts to erase.
Unlike cats who prefer all sorts of houses and baskets, dogs are less loyal to them. Even lap dogs may simply not want to be in the house or a basket. Nevertheless, puppies may be interested in such things. You should keep in mind that, growing up, the dog would simply lose interest in the design. Then you will have to change the house or the basket on a suitable bed. The optimum would be flat bedding, with understated bumpers, which will coincide with a mattress inside.
The bedding should be washed and well cleaned; it can be a blanket, tight enough or a cover. Such parasites as fleas do not live on the animal. They do live in the beddings and breed there, so sanitization of parasites is also important.
We should also note that the bowl with food is not recommended to put near the bedding. Bowls for food should be selected, taking into account the dog height. High dogs definitely need a bowl on a stand that they do not have to eat in a reclining position that is unnatural to them. Feeding bowls should be either on rubber feet or with rubberized bottom. If there are not such, put a bowl on a non-slip mat.
Choosing toys
It is important to understand that toys for animals are no less important than for children. Nevertheless, unlike people, dogs can play with toys to old age, and this is the norm for the animal. Toys should be chosen in accordance with the breed and age of the pet. Watch a favorite, because it can play any game with you, but it should have its favorite activity. There are a lot of rules on the choice of toys, but we will focus on the 3 of them:
- - the toy must not outweigh the animal, that is, should be commensurate with the pet. Do not forget that, unlike cats, playing mostly with their paws, dogs play mostly with their mouth. For a dog to play is to catch, grab, bite and defeat. Often, it brings a toy to you. Therefore, the dog must be able to take a toy in its mouth;
- - too small toy is also unsuitable. The reason is simple: swallowed foreign thing is a high risk for surgery. It is unlikely that the subject will be able to get out itself and not be harmful to the animal;
- - Toys must be reasonably firm and strong, and you have to be very attentive. A swallowed part of the toy is no less trouble for you and your dog. The main thing is to watch the toys and to eliminate damaged toys in time to avoid accidental swallowing.
Dog toys are:
- - rubber toys that imitate different animals, they are just perfect for nibbling and wag;
- - rubber balls for active games with the animals. You can throw, and the dog will catch and bring them to you;
- - Frisbee is the perfect game for dogs and their owners. By the way, it is already recognized as a sport.
Many may think that clothes for pets are the vagaries of the owners, fashion or the usual desire to stand out in a crowd, but it is not so. Sometimes pet clothes is necessary. Even lap dogs, accustomed to the tray at home, when there is no need to bring them to the toilet on the street, are in need of daily walks. Moreover, if a large dog, such as the Portuguese mountain sheep dog, even in cold weather of about -25 ° C, will feel quite comfortable. A small dog, like Brussels griffon, can freeze, and catch cold.Dog toys are:
Do not forget about the snow salt, and all sorts of other reagents. Remember what all of these substances are doing with your shoes. So imagine now that this explosive mixture does with the pads of your pet feet. Yes, you regularly wash your dog paws, but if you love winter walks through the streets of the town with your pet, it is necessary to take care of the shoes. Otherwise, a trip on the burning mixture will not bring the deserved pleasure. While choosing clothes for your pet, first, pay attention to the picture on the label. After all, as clothes for people, you must look after your pets clothes properly. In the descriptions of clothes, the breed and weight of the hypothetical animal are also indicated.
It is important to choose wisely accessories for the animal. After all, clothes is not enough for the animal to walk, it still needs a collar and a leash as a minimum. In addition, if you choose as a friend a big dog, then, following the keeping rules, it needs a muzzle. For puppies and small breeds of dog, a harness is ideal.
Before you get a pet, you must realize that it is a family member, the responsibility for which lies on you. No matter who you get, a cat or a dog, remember: this is not a toy. You must be ready to visit a vet clinic, especially if you have a small puppy at home. You cannot avoid money expense, especially if the animal is still small. There are many websites where you can buy everything for your four-legged friend.