Although dogs cannot speak, it does not mean they are mute. It may bark, growl, howl, whine... and all this in different ways. Its rich repertoire of sound it uses to communicate with its owner and to communicate with its relatives.
Leaping barking is a unique phenomenon. The dog wants to attract the attention of the owner in that way. Many wild canine representatives are not able to bark so. Jackals, wolves, coyotes, foxes - they emit a monosyllabic sound, something resembling an exclamation, like woof! In such a way, they warn their flock about the dangers.
The usual barking is used to convey information. Barking can vary in duration, volume, timbre, pitch, and even emotional coloring.
Brisk and loud aggressive barking, in this case a pet wants to show how much it hates its four-legged enemy, or some person.
Brisk and loud barking, but without aggression - it wants to go home.
Sonorous and leaping barking - the dog asks the owner to play with it, she shows its impatience.
Joyful barking maens it welcomes its friends and its favorite people.
Hunters claim that by barking in the woods, they can quickly find out whom the dog pursues sable, squirrel or a bear. Although a howl, in dog's communication is no longer important, like wolves, they have not forgotten how to howl.
For example, the family dog loves to howl with its favorite music, or in difficult moments for them, mourning the death of the owner or experiencing when he is ill. They howl when they are left alone at home. Moreover, there are those who howl only in a dream. Then the master has a question: what does he dream about?
Huskies love to talk and sing in unison. Apparently, this singing helps to consolidate relations in the pack. As a rule, this occurs after the singing and feeding; in Alaska, it is called the thanksgiving choir.
Dogs whimper when the owner does not give them what they want. Plaintive sounds beg the owner to give them a favorite toy or a piece of cake. However, there are pets, which never whine and if that has happened, this is a clear sign of the disease of dogs.
Yelp can be translated as Do not touch me! It hurts!
In addition, there are very interesting individuals who know how to pretend: roll hysteria from light explanatory slap. Moreover, they knows that the owner would be unbearably ashamed when it happens in public!