I have never seen a German shepherd puppy before and imagined that it would be a small dog with stand-up ears. Now, I understand, and laugh at myself thinking about that day. Arriving at the shop, I met the seller and I offered to tell him how I am going to keep a puppy, which I had come to buy. I told him everything that prepared for the dog. He carefully listened to me; in general, he was satisfied, gave me some parting advice and offered to go to select a puppy. When I looked into an enclosure, there were no limits to my surprise and supplication.
First, there were about eight dogs, they ran around the enclosure, whining and biting each other. In another situation, I would say first that these are common mutts, but seeing the calm master and two burly dogs in various enclosures, I calmed myself down. After talking with the seller, explaining my first impressions, I began to choose the pet. By the way, I started to do it the way I advised the sellers. I chose the biggest and the calmest puppy, well, it seemed so. It was not very easy to do it because they were all similar. Arriving home, I let the puppy in the yard and watched its actions. I began to feed it with milk porridge, boiled veal and a raw egg once a week porridge, as the seller advised me. Six months later, I had begun to give crude veal and bones. When the dog was a little more than a year, I noticed a strange feature, it did not like meat! Again, the dog's feeding was absolutely so as the seller advised me. German Shepherds have excellent appetite, if you overfeed it, then a couple of months, your pet will become a fat pig. I made a comparison between the porridge, cooked on bones and cooked porridge with milk. My dog preferred the milk one! Now, my pet is eight years old, and thanks to (I think) its diet, it looks like it looked when it was one year old. The mood was the same as it was when he was a year. He has only slightly yellowed upper and lower teeth, he still has all teeth and they are completely white. The hair is silky, smooth and shiny. I think it is not necessary to follow all the tips on feeding a service dog, and at some point, you just have to notice what he likes and feed him that way, then the health and longevity of your pet are secured.