Caring for a dog means also pet's hair care. The owner is obliged to follow its length, density and so on. For example, if the dog has excessive hair loss or its hair mats, it means there is a lack of vitamins and minerals in the organism.
Dogs differ from each other not only by breed, size and habits, but also by hair structure. There are two main indicators on which the classification is based on:
1. The degree of stiffness. By this criterion, all dogs are divided into soft coated and wirehaired. 2. The tendency to shed. Depending on how often the dog sheds, they talk about animals who shed who do not.Dogs whose hair is tough, almost never have their haircut. This is done in very rare and exceptional cases. For example, before surgeries and so on. Dogs, which do not shed, and soft-coated pets require frequent trimming. However, regardless of the dog breed and the classification of its hair, hair growing between the toes on the feet and near the pads, should be regularly cut. After all, it greatly facilitates the care of the animals and the maintenance of health of its paws.
Soft-coated animals have one peculiarity: very fast growth of hair. That is why they must often undergo the procedure, about every 3 weeks.
According to some peculiarities, they allocate the following types of dog haircuts:
- - Clipper work. A machine does this type. The haircut is short, done by or against the wool.
- - Flatwork. An electric machine or scissors do it. It is an alignment of the length of the animal's hair.
- - Top knot. Th peculiarity of this haircut is in the application of decorative elements: rubber bands, pins and others to decorate the pet.
- - Blending. It involves the use of thinning shears to gradually pass away from one length to another.
- - Show trim. The name speaks for itself: this type of haircut is applied to dogs, who often participate at dog shows or other events.
- - Stripping. For the procedure, a specialized knife that pulls unwanted hair is used. The haircut is intended for dogs with stiff hair.
- - Plucking. The type, where hair removal is performed directly by a specialist without the use of specialized equipment or tools.
- - Gentle grooming. It is done in some places (legs, stomach, ears and so on).
It depends on the breed
In general, professionals in salons for grooming dogs or in vet clinics are oriented on the breed, since the majority of all the individuals have the same structure of the hair. For example, a peculiarity of poodles - hair grows on the inner side of the ear. Therefore, they cannot go without plucking.
Shorthair breeds (Bulldog, Pug, and Labrador) are often subjected to a gentle grooming or flatwork.
The main thing, the animal feels comfortable after the procedure.