Since Newfoundland very peaceable, it is not suitable as a guard dog. Due to the peculiarities of breeding and its size, he is a good swimmer, very strong and hardy. Newfoundland - water saver. He's not afraid to let the child go swimming, and adult, he also always be able to save. Yet it is easy to teach to carry bags or carry various heavy loads.
History of breed
Home to Newfoundland dogs is considered a Canadian island of Newfoundland. Indigenous inhabitants of the island were engaged in fishing. In this hard work helped them big black dogs that pulled sleds and transported network. In 1610, the island the Europeans arrived and brought their dogs, which influenced the formation of Newfoundland.
There are several assumptions, resulting in what turned crosses Newfoundland dog. The first mention of them are preserved in the records of the Spanish conquistadors of the XVIII century. Some speculate that the family dogs Newfoundland dogs could be due to similar Tibetan body structure, while others deny this theory. According to other suggestions, were brought to the island Pyrenees dog. Newfoundlands are considered as relatives, labradors, spaniels and Mastiffs. In the XVIII century the Newfoundland breed started gaining popularity in Europe.
Dog black and white coloring Newfoundland identified as a distinct breed Landseer, by the name of the artist depicted them in his paintings. One of the most famous paintings was the painting "Decent member of human society," written in 1838. It depicts a Newfoundland dog lying at the wharf Thames.
European recognition
In 1860, the first six dogs Newfoundland were shown at an exhibition in Birmingham (UK). And in 1864 this dog breed belonging to the Prince of Wales, took 1st place at the same exhibition of dogs. After that they keep pedigrees of these dogs, and the breed has spread worldwide.
In the Soviet Union were only Newfoundland in 1970. They quickly caught the fancy of people here breeders. Attempts were made to bring his dog breed crossed with Newfoundlands and German Caucasian Shepherd. So got the Moscow diver. But this breed is not widespread, and eventually forgotten.
Breed Standard
Use: for transportation of goods, water dog.
Appearance: A large, massive dog with a muscular body.
Character: calm, good-natured. Dog is prone to make decisions. Despite the good disposition, Newfoundland will not give offense to either myself or the owner. Always stand on defense, the offender will be able to push their weight, while not showing anger.
Height: Male - 70 cm at the withers, the bitch - more than 65 cm
Weight in adulthood, males 68 kg, females - 54 kg.
Body balance. Small ears close to the head, like a Newfoundland do bear.
Color: black, brown, black and white.
Coat: thick, long, silky and waterproof.
Features content
Newfoundlands are very hardy and easy to tolerate frosts and bad weather, but the heat transfer more difficult. In hot weather, should give the dog the opportunity to hide in the shadows, and it is better to swim in the pond.
Newfoundland dogs are very peaceful and quickly find a common language with other animals, including cats. Also these dogs are patient and caring for children.
Newfoundland difficult to scare. It is very curious. Easily tolerate any form of transport. But it does not tolerate separation from people, so going on a journey should be possible to take it with you.
Shelf life in these dogs for about 10 years.
During the formation of bones and rapid growth should not force the dog to move a lot through force, better to give more time to spend in the water for a harmonious and strong formation of the skeleton and correct posture.
Newfoundland care not picky. Combing wool better one once a week, so it does not roll up the lumps and moult - daily. Once a month should be washed with a special dog shampoo for dogs.
By their nature, Newfoundland passive and prone to obesity. Therefore, you should strictly follow the correct and balanced diet dogs.
Choosing a dog, it must be remembered that the description concerns the average of this breed. And much depends on education and ancestry, the special nature of the puppy.
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