Despite the fact that there are some debates about the origin of the dogs, most dog trainers agree that an ordinary wolf was the common ancestor of dogs, and modern breeds are bred by artificial selection. It is necessary to add that there is a theory that the ancestor of all modern dogs was a disappeared species, rather than jackals and wolves.
Since ancient times, a man has tamed and used these intelligent animals - so-called "peat" dogs were found on the excavation sites of ancient human remains - this breed is found up to the Roman era.
Around the fifth millennium BC, new breeds of dogs, such as greyhounds, mastiffs, shepherds and other dogs appear.
Dogs have taken such an important place in human life that it is reflected in culture, for example, in ancient Egypt, dogs were deified, and the mummies were make after their death. Images of various breeds and scenes from the lives of these intelligent animals are quite common in a variety of ancient frescoes, household items and utensils.
In addition to hunting and grazing, dogs were used in wars, particularly in the army of Alexander the Great, there were groups of fighting dogs; in Rome, fighting dogs were used as gladiators.
However, in Rome, lap dogs appeared first, there were written treatises, indicating how to feed the dogs and care for them.
Dogs played an important role in Asia, bringing its contribution to religion, folklore and mythology of China and Japan.
In America, before the arrival of Europeans, Aborigines also had their own dog breeds, and here it is worth to mention about such interesting fact that Indian breeds of dogs are helpless without a man, and die quickly in the wild.
Dog breeding became not only a science, but also a profitable business, so there is nothing surprising that in the 19th century, due to the rapid development of dog breeding, many new dog breeds appeared. Today, dogs are used in the army, at the border, work as guides for blind people, as well as decorate the life and brighten loneliness.