People often come to the choice of a pet with the emotional point of view. We see dogs in commercials or in the movies, where they are always so cute, smart, obedient and cheerful, that after that many people want the same little animals, without considering the consequences. Therefore, there is a huge number of frustrated owners, which no one has warned that a dog is not just a friend, but also a great responsibility.
How to decide?
There may be many different reasons to get a dog: from children's requests to desire to let the animal stay that you have somewhere seen and picked up. However, before making a final decision, you should read a bit about the breed (there is many resources) or chat with knowledgeable people - friends, dog lovers on the street, breeders, with those who already have practical experience of life and communication with a particular breed. They can tell you about the features of behavior, possible health problems and education of your pet, advise a good breeder, and so on. In addition, check your family members on the availability, for example, if there have allergy to hair.
What to expect and be prepared?
Even a new informed owner of the dog cannot be prepared for 100%. A puppy is like a child, and, therefore, may be ill and refuse to eat, it will change its teeth and not always in the right way, it will require attention most of the time, when you get home. All dogs, perhaps except lapdogs, need regular walks, which is often a stumbling block to do with the division of responsibilities among family members, and at a time when it is necessary to get up an hour earlier than in the previous life - before the dog. You will discover plenty of details about the features of feeds, a variety of doctors, approaches to training and education and, finally, the whole truth about dog hunters.
A little four-legged creature is a "person" with the character that changes with age and it goes much faster than it does in children. The dog gets used to a certain schedule of the day, it may attract the attention by way you do not like (nibble chair on which you sit, for example), like certain toys or what it considers its toys (for example, footwear, furniture or wallpaper) can be loud or meek, but canny. All this is found out only in the course of living together and in your power to correct the behavior if you do not like it.
For the majority of the owners, the discovery could be a ban to visit different places, shops and cafes and even some parks. Moreover, not all people will have a positive attitude toward your pet, including other dog lovers, regardless of its size. This can occur for different reasons: fear of dogs or having an aggressive dog. The most correct behavior with other dog lovers is always ask permission if you can come closer to them. They know their dogs and their personal characteristics.
Dogs are sure to bring joy to the home of its owners with all the feelings and love, which they are capable for. Moreover, most importantly, the first euphoria of the owners grows into a stable sense of understanding the complete responsibility that comes with the puppy. For fun and obedient pet, as in the commercials, you need to make efforts and be patient. In addition, in addition, be prepared for the fact that your life will change significantly with its appearance for at least the next 10-12 years.