Dog breed Shar Pei

Breed Shar Pei
40-65 lbs

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Perhaps the only breed that can belong to several groups (fighting, security and la dog) at the same time is a Chinese Shar-Pei.
As the name implies, China is the homeland of these dogs. More precisely, the Tai-li city in Kwantung. This is where the statues were found, dating back to 206 BC., depicting this, as it is also called, sand dog.
The highest peak of popularity and spread in China Shar-Pei received during the reign of the Ming Dynasty (14-17 cent.). Although during difficult period of wars and famine dogs decreased in number.
In the 40s of the 20th century the "black" band of communism began to Sharpey. Mao Zedong first thought that pet keeping is a "luxury" and set a tax on them. Later, in general, he announced pets remnants of the bourgeoisie, which led to their inevitable erasure.
Several Sharpey avoided the bitter fate and settled in Taiwan.
Despite their actual existence, these dogs were in such a minority, that from 1971 to 1975, Shar Pei breed was officially considered extinct.
Two people stopped the spread of such rumors - Matgo Lowe and S.M. Chen, they organized specialized nursery for Shar-Peis in Hong Kong, which were brought all discovered and redeemed individuals in.
Because of that Hon Kong belonged to the USA in 1978, this breed "breathed frech air". After it "travelled" around the world. Therefore, a clear standard for the breed isn't defined. There are three of them - English, American and Canadian (the last allows complete freedom of solid color shades).
If to sum up all existing ins and outs, the Shar Pei is a medium-sized dog, with height up to 50 cm and weighs about 25 kg, with deep-set dark eyes, broad snout, adjacent to a large head triangular ears. This is short-haired breed (the hair is stiff enough). But the most distinctive features of the exterior are skin folds (mostly on the snout) and a half-ringed tail rolled to one side. This gives the animal a great view of plush toy.


Despite the weight, these dogs are quite lively and playful. They are allowed to keep in families, but their training is obligatory.
Shar-Peis are quite independent when the owner is in danger. Therefore, you must teach your dog to plan of actions in any given situation.
Don't forget about fighting genes. Experts recommend carefully watch the games of "brothers" and suppress the occurrence of aggression between them. If you do not do this, a great fight begins among them.
Fundamental in care of the animals is daily exercise - jogging, sports, training on special grounds and proper feeding: to keep it fit it's better to give it balanced feed, which contain proteins, fats, minerals, fiber and vitamins in right proportions; it's very hard for them to stick to it by themselves. Dog's weight depends on observing the rules, health depends on its weight (the heavier the animal is, the more vulnerable is its immune system).
Smooth hair also needs care. Daily cleaning with a water-wet brush with a soft cloth is good.

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