Dog breed Poodle

Breed Poodle
18-48 lbs


Royal Poodle is one of the most popular and especially smart dogs in the world. The results showed that their smartness is in second place after the dog Border collie. It is believed that the dogs of Poodle breed are among glamorous female dogs. Because of their fancy haircuts and prominent appearance. But it is fundamentally false belief, because it is the most ancient hunting breed. Due to their intelligence and courage, they accompanied soldiers in the campaigns during the war. French kings used these dogs as bodyguards. You can often watch a poodle in a circus, as they are ideal for the most daring stunts. They are easy to teach commands, and they are easily trained. The status of popular breed, dogs earned through a variety of colors, natural charisma, unmistakable look, good intelligence and lack of arrogance. All these qualities of the breed are useful for hunting and at dog-shows. The dog is ideal for home comfort and for military service.
Standard features:
• weight: 20-23 kg.
• height: 45-60 cm.
• color: white, brown, black, apricot and gray.
• care complexity: 5/5
• activity: 5/5
• training: 5/5

History of the breed
Dogs that have similarities in appearance with modern poodles, were seen in ancient times in the Mediterranean areas. The title of royal dog the breed gained due to faithful service in the royal courts. From the very appearance of the breed, they took their place on the pages of history. French ruler Henry IV could make boast of poodle-bodyguard named Febbi. Following the example of their king, senior people had a dog of this breed. They were proud of them. Because of this, there was the phrase "royal poodle". People who were not part of the community of royal nobility had no right to keep the representatives of this breed. Disobedience to law at that time was severely punished - death.
After some time, the situation got better with respect to ordinary people in Europe. The dog for a while served as a faithful friend and helper to the hunters, as well as to intelligent and creative people.

The character

The dog of this breed is very loyal and faithful has a high level of intelligence. They have an unusual sense of humor and just cannot live a day without surprising or amusing its master. Poodles realize people like their crazy stunts, so they try as much as possible to please their masters.
Many owners say the royal poodles have well-developed intuition and know in advance which team will the owner give. They are temperamental dogs, but at the same time, they cannot be called conflictive or noisy.
The representative of this breed is a great pet that treats children well. Royal Poodles get along well with other pets. Color
The most popular are white royal poodles, but this color hides a lot of trouble and worries. Usually absolutely cleanly people get white poodles. Pink or apricot poodles are good for dreamy people. The most practical are brown or black royal poodles. They are easier to care for, and they are lovely in their own way.
Keeping and care
Royal Poodles do not shed much, but they require relatively more time for grooming. Comb the dog once a week and its hair will not mat. Every 4-6 weeks poodle must be cut, in this case, it is best to turn to apply to experts, because this is a very difficult task. The owner of Royal poodle can be put into a catatonia with variety of model haircuts, but if the dog will not participate at dog-shows, it is best to choose a short haircut. This can greatly facilitate care. Poodle haircut will emphasize its individuality.
They are very smart dogs, and they stand by the fact that each representative of the breed is unique in its own way. Royal Poodles is very affectionate to its master and needs proper care. Life expectancy is from 10 to 15 years. During this time, take a poodle as another child or family member.


Dogs, which grow on the natural food, the meat should be 2/3-day diet. Preferably, give small peaces of beef or lamb. An alternative to meat can serve previously boiled offal or sea-fish.
Add to the diet half-liquid porridge of rice or millet. Buckwheat is also good. Vegetables should not exceed a bar of 200 grams per day. This can be beets, carrots, tomatoes and spinach.
Also, pet stores sell special feed for royal poodles. Its quality is the highest.


Pet's teeth should be cleaned every day, but you can do it once a week. It is recommended to visit a special dentist for dogs once a year.
Ears should be given special care, because if you do not clean its ears, they can smell, and the liquid will supervene, leading to disease. To clean the ears, it is best to cut its hair in the ear and wipe it with a cotton swab.
Claws should be cut once a month. In the summer, the claws are erased on the asphalt, but in winter there isn't much solid surface and claws should be cut more often.

Royal Poodles are prone to bloating or volvulus if the diet is wrong. Diabetes may also occur. With poor-quality eye care cataracts, glaucoma and retinal degeneration may appear. In addition, there are following diseases: hypothyroidism, epilepsy, and lymphadenitis.


Big Royal poodle doesn't resist training and education. On the contrary, he very actively remembers everything and repeats it again and again. Puppies Poodles from small age are extremely smart. The owner can train a dog "as he sees fit": for dog-shows, service, hunting or he will grow an obedient friend. You can begin to train the dog at the age of 4 months.

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