When we decide to have a puppy, no matter what breed, we, together with new and quite pleasant emotions and gain a lot of unpleasant moments. Small puppy - this is the same child, but watch out for that sometimes is more difficult than for the child. Chil
Dog breed German Shepherd Dog

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"The Germans" differ from the other breeds by their flexibility, developed muscular physique, triangular ears, prominent forehead and brown eyes. Shepherd's height varies depending on sex of the dog - lady-dogs' height is 55-60 cm, male dogs' height is 60-65 cm. In accordance with the height its weight is determined (25-40 kg). "German's" hair may be black and tan, red and black, black or even white. The other feature is inclined croup, providing wrong hocks of the hind limbs of the dog.Appointment
German Shepherds are considered to be essential helpers at police work and canine handlers, because they’re able to sniff out daily-old scent and quickly find the criminal. They easy seek out mines, work as seeing-eye dogs and rescuers. By the way, Shepherds are faithful helpers of the Red Cross. In addition, "the Germans" successfully work in film industry.How to choose
When you buy a puppy, it is desirable to pay attention to its pedigree. If the purpose of buying is a championship, then it’s advisable to remember the breeder sets the highest price at the most promising puppies of pedigree. However, the occurrence of parents-champions doesn’t guarantee the success of their offspring. Winners have to be trained carefully and this includes special care, feed, training and training of specific talent. Shepherds are estimated on such standards at all competitions.Usually Shepherd participates in dog shows for 7 years. Therefore, it’s necessary to prepare carefully for the victory and it’s desirable to know the line of your puppy. Line is the whole of dogs of the same breed, which have similar characteristics, being peeped in next generations. The animals of unique line are marked by homogeneity of genetic characteristics.
If you're going to buy a puppy, then you should pay attention to the following key points:
• the puppy should look strong, active and well-fed;
• it shouldn't have salient angles, unkempt undercoat and bad smell, red eyes, rashes on the tummy and inclined croup.
Responsible breeder should give you all necessary information about the condition, pedigree and future care of the puppy when you buy it.
If they didn’t tell you how to feed your new friend, we'll help you. You only have a look at a list of required products:• meat;
• bones (except fish and tubular bones);
• seafood;
• eggs: boiled eggs, crushed egg crack;
• curd;
• porridge: buckwheat porridge and made of finely ground barley porridge;
• grated or chopped vegetables (carrot, zucchini, pumpkin, cabbage);
• fruit.
In the first two months it’s necessary to feed the puppy six times a day, and then every month cut up to two times after it is six months old. Don’t forget about the free access to clean water.
Despite its size and muscularity Shepherds like any dog may get sick. That's why it’s necessary to pay attention to the nose tip, which has to be cold and wet, without pigmentation, the absence of cracks on the nose and mouth, the gums must be pink. Don’t forget to clean its teeth four times a month, all necessary for this things you can buy at a pet store. Shepherd doesn’t need frequent bathing, it’s all right to bathe it when it’s pretty dirty. It’s desirable to comb it several times a week, except while sheding, when you have to use a brush every day.Training
If you work with Shepherd at first time, it would be better to hire an experienced instructor. You can begin training with a two-month old puppy, put it through feeding, so that your pet will have an incentive to get sweets for following an order.If you decided to train your "German" all by yourself, we suggest you to have a look at basic mistakes are made in the process of training.
Educating a future champion such commands as "Sit!", "Stop!" and "Down" don't make such mistakes:
• the order is followed after the direct effects;
• strong jerk of the leash and arm-twisting;
• the order is followed staticky and under the same circumstances;
• lack of command and gestures;
• long-term studies.