Dog breed Akita Inu

Breed Akita Inu
70-145 lbs


From Japanese, Akita Inu means a dog from the province of Aquino. If you give a description of the breed in a word, of course, it is "dignity". Akita Inu became the property of the Japanese more than 70 years ago. None of the famous breeds in Japan, such as Sheba, Kishu, Hokkaido, and many others, cannot compete with the Akita Inu.
Akita is a nobility, strength and power, concluded in strong body and elegant appearance of the breed. The dog is incredibly beautiful, has a perfect body proportions. However, the dog's popularity is not due to its appearance, but because of its nature. The dog is incredibly bold and temperamental, but it is very reserved and obedient. This is one of the dogs of the samurai, they considered it their reflection.

History of the breed

This breed is one of the oldest, and it is proved by scientists, who conducted genetic research and a detailed study of pedigree. According to scientists, the breed dates back to the II millennium B.C., as evidenced remains found on the territory of Japan. There are many ancient drawings depicting dogs, which are similar to the modern Akita Inu.
The name of the breed from Japanese means "Inu" - a dog, "Akita" - mountainous province of the island of Honshu. It was there, in the XVII century, first appeared dogs with fledged appearance, the appearance of which has remained unchanged to this day. These dogs were favorites of the most influential figures of the state, kings and even emperors.
Akita Inu is a "purebred" dog that has no "contaminants" with other breeds of dogs. In the XVIII century, when the breed became popular with influential persons, it changed the class affiliation to the "elite", in connection with which a law was passed banning not only killing, but also even hurting Akita-Inu. Those people who didn't comply with the law, were exposed to severe punishment.
The fact the dog belonged to the "elite" class, affected the development of the breed as a whole because its content has become a kind of ceremony. A personal servant was put to the dog, to make special collars, which determined not only the rank of the dog, but also the status of its owner.
It is worth noting that during the Second World War, a large number of dogs were sent to the front, which is why their breeding stopped slightly. Dogs had nothing to eat and nowhere to be kept. However, the Japanese managed to save a few thoroughbreds, which is why the breed has not only survived, but also managed to save its original natural qualities.
General description and nature of the breed.
Harmony in all that is what the Akita Inu is. The dog literally says it is a native of eastern culture with its calmness, restraint and dignity. However, the calm exterior hides ardent temperament. The dog is transformed, in the presence of loved ones, becoming a very outgoing and active.
Distinct slanted eyes of this dog conquer with its look, they seemed imbued with wisdom. With a powerful body, it has very proud posture, and a large snout and torsion in the back tail distinguishes it among others. The dog is very cheerful and active; easily attaches to the owner, but for this, it must feel friendship and mutual love back. There are not any negative aspects in its character how improbable it may sound. Puppies are very naughty, funny and playful by nature. In adulthood, you will not notice spontaneous changes in its mood and aggression. The nature of the dog is balanced, and sometimes there is an impression that under any circumstances, it "keeps itself in its paws". It will never throw into battle or to protect its master without assessing the situation and the possible consequences of its actions. The wisdom accumulated for centuries, this is the Akita Inu.
Its only drawback is molestation. It will poke around its nose and always is in the center of events, and hearing a noise, will want to know the reason of its occurrence. Because of the nature of the dog, sometimes it seems that it is too much of it, but with age, this quality is lost.
Akitas get along well with children in the house, so part of the care for their entertainment can be easily passed on to it. It is also good for single people, which will become indispensable companions.
The main feature of the breed is its individuality and spontaneity. Only, it is necessary to train it from puppy hood to the end of life, that it is able to fully express its qualities and inherent intelligence. By the way, the Akita is considered a puppy up to 2 years old. You will definitely get an intelligent, loyal friend, if you communicate with it and satisfy its curiosity.

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