So, lets have a look at most frequent diseases of dogs and if smth happens we won't panic but help our pets to get better. Let's start with the fact that each animal species has certain diseases but there are some which all owners can confront with. They are: kinetosis, allergy, runny nose, deficiency disease and bloodworms.
Let's have a look at each disease.
Kinetosis is a disease when a dog is nauseous in a car. If the owner notices that his pet feels bad, breathes faster, rushes around the car or he sees the gag reflex, the best thing is to avoid any travels.
Dog's allergy can be of 3 types: allergic rhinitis, food allergy or idiosyncrasy. The symptoms are: frequent sneezing, rubbibng eyes, eyes redness, apathy and lack of appetite.
It is easy to determine if your pet has a runny nose, just look at it. As a rule, it is wet and there’s constant discharge.
If a dog is adroop, depressed and faded that means he has deficiency disease.
It is difficult to find bloodworms or belly-worms in other words, to pevent this disease it is recommended to give special drugs which are sold in pet stores and dispensaries of veterinary medicine.
All the above listed can affect any breed of dog, but the treatment is very simple: you have to go to animal clinic, find the reason of bad health and then seasonally (if it's an allergy) or annually (for prevention) give your pet special drugs.
More serious diseases are much more difficult to get through. The dog may have problems with gastro-intestinal tract, heart, genitourinary system and others. Pets may be infected or have skin disease, be injured or get fleas, ticks and other parasites. Some breeds of dogs have eye and ear pain or toothache. In any case, if the master sees his pet has an unusual behaviour (for example, doesn’t respond to his name, doesn’t want to eat or is blue) then it’s for reason and he must show his animal to the vet. As a saying goes “Better safe than sorry”.