Golden Retriever breeders in North Carolina

Catalog of official dog breeders of the Golden Retriever breed in US by North Carolina State.

Here is a list of official dog breeders of the Golden Retriever breed. Our website is to help everyone who wants to buy dogs of a certain breed find responsible and reliable breeder in the US.

We strongly recommend you to check information about nurseries on other resources and read reviews about them on the internet to protect yourself from scammers since we cannot vouch for each nursery. Insist on visiting the nursery yourself; check all official documents.

Each page displays information about nurseries that we have found in the US by North Carolina State. You are provided with a list of breeders with the name, contacts, and official website, which always contains up-to-date information on which puppies are currently available for sale.


Breed Golden Retriever
United Kingdom,Scotland
45-80 lbs
10-12 years
If you would like to learn more about the Golden Retriever breed, we suggest you check out this page.

List of Golden Retriever in North Carolina State

Breeder Name Location of breeder Website
Stonewater Labradors USA, NC, 27615
Mohons AKC Golden Retrievers and Goldendoodles USA, NC, 28681
Westergaard Kennels USA, NC, 27310
Ridge View Labradors USA, NC, 28570
PBG Kennel USA, NC, 27048
Recherche Kennels USA, NC, 28677 USA, NC, 28214
Chesapeake Farm NC USA, NC, 27330
The Alger Farm USA, NC, 28734
Whiskey Creek Chesapeakes USA, NC, 28768
The Creekside Kennel USA, NC, 28357
Scott Homing Golden Retrievers / Doodles USA, NC, 28352
Appalachian Goldens USA, NC, 28806
Seasons Gold USA, NC, 28075
Golden Haven Puppies USA, NC, 28025
Maw & Paw s Goldens USA, NC, 28625
Jackie s Goldens USA, NC, 27295
Golden Star Family Puppies LLC USA, NC, 28689
Kim s Golden Doodles and Retrievers USA, NC, 28650
Scott Homing Golden Retrievers USA, NC, 28352
Tar River Retrievers USA, NC, 28513
Goldensglen Goldens USA, NC, 28226
Honor Golden Retrievers and Honor Service Dogs, Inc. USA, NC, 28280
Hyatt s Goldens USA, NC, 28110
River Lodge Golden Retrievers USA, NC, 27527
Creekwood Acres Golden Retriever and Goldendoodle Puppies USA, NC, 28127
Carolina Goldens USA, NC, 28139
Summer Oaks Golden Retrievers USA, NC, 27310
We also suggest you view a list of available nurseries in the States closest to you: North Carolina , South Carolina , Georgia , Virginia , Tennessee , West Virginia , Kentucky , Maryland , Alabama
Or check out a list of all breeders in your country.
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You can also learn more about how to take care of puppies in our blog.