Golden Retriever breeders in Illinois

Catalog of official dog breeders of the Golden Retriever breed in US by Illinois State.

Here is a list of official dog breeders of the Golden Retriever breed. Our website is to help everyone who wants to buy dogs of a certain breed find responsible and reliable breeder in the US.

We strongly recommend you to check information about nurseries on other resources and read reviews about them on the internet to protect yourself from scammers since we cannot vouch for each nursery. Insist on visiting the nursery yourself; check all official documents.

Each page displays information about nurseries that we have found in the US by Illinois State. You are provided with a list of breeders with the name, contacts, and official website, which always contains up-to-date information on which puppies are currently available for sale.


Breed Golden Retriever
United Kingdom,Scotland
45-80 lbs
10-12 years
If you would like to learn more about the Golden Retriever breed, we suggest you check out this page.

List of Golden Retriever in Illinois State

Breeder Name Location of breeder Website
Happiness Is Pets USA, IL, 60462
Caroway USA, IL, 60045
Ericas Doodles USA, IL, 60950
Pond creek labradors USA, IL, 62896
Love of Puppies USA, IL, 61953
Gochee Labradors USA, IL, 61281
Mackinaw Valley Labradors USA, IL, 61734
Puddle Jumper Labs USA, IL, 61101
Lincolnshire Puppies USA, IL, 61951
Pamela Edwards USA, IL, 60178
VanWaters Labradors USA, IL, 61771
Black Partridge Kennels USA, IL, 61548
Rousey Goldens USA, IL, 61745
Raycraft Retrievers USA, IL, 60098
The Golden Rule Doodles and Retrievers USA, IL, 61880
Triple Threat Retrievers USA, IL, 61109
Matkovich Family Pups USA, IL, 60083
Blindfaith Retrievers USA, IL, 61850
Skye s Golden Pawz USA, IL, 60140
Dominator Dogs USA, IL, 60025
Integrity Golden Retrievers USA, IL, 61101
Sievers Kennels USA, IL, 62013
Dogtown Kennels USA, IL, 61738
Huntleigh Golden USA, IL, 62001
Sievers Retrievers USA, IL, 62013
Dream Goldens USA, IL, 60098
Sievers Retrievers USA, IL, 62013
Brighton Goldens USA, IL, 60440
Westview Wonderland Golden Retrievers USA, IL, 60169
White Diamond Goldens USA, IL, 60432
CamCon s Golden Acres USA, IL, 62271
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Or check out a list of all breeders in your country.
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You can also learn more about how to take care of puppies in our blog.