German Shepherd Dog breeders in Arkansas

Catalog of official dog breeders of the German Shepherd Dog breed in US by Arkansas State.

Here is a list of official dog breeders of the German Shepherd Dog breed. Our website is to help everyone who wants to buy dogs of a certain breed find responsible and reliable breeder in the US.

We strongly recommend you to check information about nurseries on other resources and read reviews about them on the internet to protect yourself from scammers since we cannot vouch for each nursery. Insist on visiting the nursery yourself; check all official documents.

Each page displays information about nurseries that we have found in the US by Arkansas State. You are provided with a list of breeders with the name, contacts, and official website, which always contains up-to-date information on which puppies are currently available for sale.


Breed German Shepherd Dog
47-88 lbs
9-13 years
If you would like to learn more about the German Shepherd Dog breed, we suggest you check out this page.

List of German Shepherd Dog in Arkansas State

Breeder Name Location of breeder Website
Sweesys Chihuahuas USA, AR, 71854
Diamond State Poodles USA, AR, 72714
Faye s Border Collies USA, AR, 72722
Wishpaw Kennels USA, AR, 71953
Durham Haus Working Dogs USA, AR, 72210
Vom Haus Horst German Shepherds USA, AR, 72717
Findell Kennels LLC USA, AR, 72015
Outfox Australian Shepherds USA, AR, 72205
Blue Merle Aussies USA, AR, 72034
Sundown Kennels USA, AR, 72206
Joint Forces K9 Group USA, AR, 72761
KG Shepherds USA, AR, 72843
My K9 Guardian USA, AR, 72721
smith mountain aussies USA, AR, 72641
jaxon and karrington german shepherd service USA, AR, 72204
Happy Bend Kennel USA, AR, 72031
Arkansas Heart of the Ozarks German Shepherds USA, AR, 72628
Olympus Kennels USA, AR, 72450
Viney Hill German Shepherds USA, AR, 72633
Shepherds on The Ridge USA, AR, 72401
Circle P German Shepherds USA, AR, 72940
Arkansas Heart of the Ozarks German Shepherds USA, AR, 72628
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Or check out a list of all breeders in your country.
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You can also learn more about how to take care of puppies in our blog.