To train an intelligent, understanding commands dog, first, you must learn to understand what it wants at any given moment, to understand its mood and state of health. The problem of understanding between a dog and an owner is always in the foreground. The resulting problem is solved only in one way - they learn to understand their pets and interact with them.
The full and correct communication between the owner and the dog includes not only the emotional state of your relationship and honesty the dogs appreciate but also trust in continuous communication and training.
It is a mistake to consider the correct communication with the dog, and even more so with the puppy, with the help of the commands. The dog will do its best to ignore such a contact, and the next time it can refuse to follow any orders. The puppy must first get acquainted with the surrounding world, and wriggle into its confidence, to achieve understanding in your relationship. Educating a pet should focus not only on words that mean commands but also for the development of mental abilities, causing even the dog can understand your condition just by intonation.
Any dog is able to understand the human's tone, emotional and mental state, and behavior. Dogs can properly assess the behavior of the owner. Just for some gestures, facial expressions or sight pets can understand your attitude to it or how this situation may affect them. Depending on the effect on the dog, positive or negative, the nature of the future pupils has formed.
To reach an understanding with the puppy, and in the future with an adult dog, you must constantly communicate with it - talk as if you educate an inept kid. First, it will not be able to understand your language that will be for it is a foreign language but body language can help overcome communication difficulties. It can understand by the tone of your voice or facial expressions what is right and what is wrong. After a while, the puppy will begin to remember what emotion corresponds to each word, and already begins to establish contact.
When the dog begins to understand the words, it more understands the life of the owner, even the way in which he spent a day or how he relates to a particular person because the words are always accompanied by gestures. When you start to practice the skills, they will eventually be enriched with new components. However, it is worth remembering while you are teaching your pet, you must learn to understand its gestures and reactions. After a while, you will understand each other, and you will have your own language to communicate.
There are various means of influencing the dog with proper and judicious use of which you will be able to achieve the desired result and become a successful breeder. You should understand the effect might have two sides both positive and negative. Positive action should be simultaneous with the action performed correctly, and keep only the good emotions and memories. The next time you give the command, and use the word of positive impact, the dog will strive to fulfill all rightly.
To consolidate the results, you can stroke your pet, praise it, play with it, or give it its favorite goodies. Also, do not forget your positive emotions to given commands will move the dog, and it will seek to follow everything rightly. It also depends on the established connections and understanding of relationships.
The negative impact will produce a backlash; it must coincide with the action and cause only negative emotions. This action should cause in your pet only bad memories and emotions, but do not fear, because it can lead to bad results. Such behavior and negative emotions of the owner should discourage the dog to repeat that. All actions must be adequate. The negative impact should be stopped immediately after the pet has reacted and realized your command. Voice during the commands must be clear, not too loud, and punishing. Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that everything must be sufficient. The dog must not respond with aggression to the command.
Always, after the followed order you should explain to the dog what you liked what was done right, and what is forbidden to do. All explanations and actions should be followed in time, so your subordinate clearly understands what it is. Sometimes, because of incorrect instructions or explanations, the owner is angry at the dog, but does not blame it. If you want the puppy or the dog to have an interest in the future to following the orders you have to change the exposure and create a surprise effect - the pet should not always wait for your praise after each followed order; surprise your dog.