Dog breed West Highland White Terrier

Breed West Highland White Terrier
United Kingdom,Scotland
15-20 lbs
12-16 years


West Terrier is known as a hunting dog. Initially, it was used for catching birds. Small, nimble, agile dog could climb into any bushes and burrows. On a more serious hunt, terrier can chase small game that hides in burrows.
It is unknown when this breed of dog appeared, but the country is Scotland, where are the roots of the animal.

How does it look like

The dog of very small size weighs 10 kg, its height at the withers is about 28 cm. Lady dogs are slightly smaller than male dogs. The body of the dog is very small.
White coat covers the entire body with rigid, quite long hair. There is a soft undercoat. Legs are flat and proportional in relation to the body.
On a large head, there are small protruding ears, set high enough.
The nose is notable because of the black lobe in white hair color and its large width. The tail is flat, without swirling rings at the end. Its length is up to 15 cm; it is thick at the base and to the end, it is shrinking.
The dog looks funny; its head looks slightly larger than the body.
West Terriers live to 15 years with good conditions of keeping.


Due to the small size, this dog can easily live in the apartment. However, always remember about its purpose, and do not forget that the body needs exercises that are on the hunt. West Terrier should regularly and actively walk in the street.
The animal has an inexhaustible energy that can be redirected to sports or games and training. A small dog will not give its owner to sit long in one place.
Purchasing this rolling, funny pet, you have to be prepared for the fact the dog requires much time and attention.
Terrier has a clear voice; it likes to bark loudly and for a long time. It also loves to dig. Therefore, it is not desirable to let it walk in the area planted with beds of flowers and vegetables. There is no chance to wean the dog from digging the ground. This is its natural instinct.

The nature of the small hunter has a certain share of perseverance and independence, but they are friendly and calm. Despite its small size, terrier strikes to protect the owner without hesitation. As any other dog, this breed also needs training and education. The training is easy, regardless of the proportion of obstinacy on the part of the animal. West terrier cannot live with other pets and small children, because it is not particularly endowed with patience.

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