Dog breed Boerboel

Breed Boerboel
South Africa
154-200 lbs
10-12 years


The Boerboel is the dog that can be a perfect and faithful guard. Seeing a stranger, the dog will immediately bark and will not let him get too close, confidently defending their territory. Aggression and strength helps the dog to protect the property, the house and the home. However, these dogs are extremely intelligent and capable of learning - if you get a dog acquainted with a person, introduce them, the next time Boerboel will miss the man calmly, knowing that he was his own.

As mentioned above, the representatives of this breed are aggressive and hostile to strangers and outsiders. With the family, situation is quite different - Boerboel is very gentle with children, and it is in good relations with all members of the family. In addition, these dogs love to spend time with their families, enjoying the outdoors with the owners.

We can say the Boerboel combines both aggressive guard and affectionate pet that is remarkable to not only get along with family members, but also with other animals that live with this dog under one roof.

Never leave the Boerboel alone with a man who is not a family member. First, you need to introduce the animal to a person, give the dog time to get accustomed to a stranger and be sure in his good intentions.

Regarding to the health of the representatives of the breed, these dogs differ good health. Care for these dogs is not particularly complicated. The Boerboel keeping does not require much effort.

The hair must be combed several times a week, it will not only help to get rid of pressed hair, but it is a kind of massage for the skin, which helps to improve blood circulation. You also need to regularly check your dog for parasites. Moreover, a lot of important is to clean the dog's teeth every day so that they are strong and healthy. Do not bathe the animal too often; it is necessary to do it only when necessary. Growing claws periodically need to be cut, so they do not grow too large.

If the owner likes walking or jogging, he can safely take the Boerboel with him, as he loves this kind of exercise. Another favorite activity of the representative of this breed is a game with the kids outdoors. These dogs will be happy to bring a stick or a ball.

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Pet Type: Dogs
Pet Type: Dogs
Pet Type: Dogs
Pet Type: Dogs

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