Cat breed Siberian

Breed Siberian

About This Breed

Siberian cat breed appeared naturally in Siberian forests, it was bred by crossing domestic and wild cats. Large long-haired animal has a sociable character. Siberian cat is suitable for people suffering from allergies, since it contains a small amount of wool protein Fel D1, which causes this disease.

Siberian cat is a large, muscular and agile animal. Compared to other breeds of cats, it slowly matures, the representatives of this breed continue to develop up to five years. Large, widely set, slightly slanting eyes of blue, green or yellow colors. Hair can be of different colors, it is very dense, thick, water-repellent, which is necessary for survival in cold climates.

Long hair on the ears, most cats have tufts on the ears, making the pet a bit like a lynx. Siberian cats have thick long hair, which must be periodically combed, at least 2 times a week, it is especially important during sheding. This phase can be permanent if the Siberian cat lives in an apartment. Mats are formed rarely.

This breed appeared naturally, unlike other breeds of cats that have emerged due to human activities, the Siberian cats haven't specific genetic diseases. Sometimes they have cardiac or vascular diseases. Siberian cat is quiet and affectionate, but not particularly obedient pet, it inherited a wayward character from their wild ancestors.

Representatives of this breed are magnificent hunters, such pet will quickly catch rodents. Siberians are quite brave animals which want to protect their houses. Siberian cats do not like to sit for a long on your hands, it is important to show their hunting instincts. Even if the animal lives in the apartment, it is desirable to teach it to walk on a leash, otherwise, the favorite would start gnawing and clawing the furniture.

It should be noted the Siberian cats are highly intelligent animals. The representatives of the breed are fond of water. This is a cat with a strong but slightly wild character. Buy a scratching post at a pet store or make it by your own. This pet loves to bask on the summer sun, however, it is not desirable to allow the animal to sunbathe for too long, as it degrades the quality of wool.

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Pet Type: Cats
Pet Type: Cats
Pet Type: Cats

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