Cat breed Kurilian Bobtail

Breed Kurilian Bobtail

About This Breed

uril Bobtail is an elegant cat, which has a square body format; its croup is slightly raised back and reminds the body of lynx.Funny tail with the length of 5-14 cm is like a pompom and covered with long and thick hair.Cat color can be diverse, in addition to the color of the Abyssinian.On the cat show, if the cat is curled up in a cage, the outside people practically do not stop taking it as usual yard or home cat.However, once the animal gets up and stretches, many people come to see it.After all, the front looks like a cat, and the back looks like a rabbit.Short tail in the form of pompom and long hind legs it is not feline.Sideways, the cat resembles a reduced lynx.This kind is very unusual and attractive.

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Pet Type: Cats
Pet Type: Cats
Pet Type: Cats
Pet Type: Cats

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