R Cat Breeds

If you're looking for a feline companion, you may want to consider one of the many R cat breeds. These cats are known for their distinctive looks, personalities, and abilities. There's a R cat breed for every cat lover.

Latest Cat Articles

Kitten’s care and preventive measures
Kitten’s care and preventive measures

Grooming and sleep are one of the main activities of a kitten. Two weeks after its birth, the kitten is already beginning to comprehend the ritual of washing up. It wets with its rough tongue fore legs and with a "sponge" cleans its body, reaching even to

Allergy to cats - what to do?
Allergy to cats - what to do?

Everyone knows that cats, these cute furry animals that give the house warmth and comfort, can be a source of real misery. Allergy to cat's hair is considered one of the most common allergic diseases.

Turkish Angora
Turkish Angora

Turkish Angora is a beautifully proportioned, graceful, majestic, arrogant and wayward cat. The representatives of this ancient and versatile breed have such a description. This breed has a small head, a narrow snout, silky translucent hair, large almond-

Menu for cats: the pros and cons of prepared feeds
Menu for cats: the pros and cons of prepared feeds

Everyone in his life can adopt a pet at least one time: this is a connection with nature, so necessary for people, even in cities. Have you chosen the cat to communicate with? Perfectly. What to feed with? Conventional wisdom says that the food you eat is

A sound cat in a sound house. Feed pets properly
A sound cat in a sound house. Feed pets properly

Cats have always been the subject of human inspiration. Poems, songs, prose, wonderful quotes and wise sayings are devoted to these mystical animals. Cats rescue us from loneliness, create home coziness and are an excellent remedy for stress. There is not

 A Complete Guide to the Bengal Cat Breed
A Complete Guide to the Bengal Cat Breed

Bengal cat looks exactly like its ancestor, the wild leopard cat, but only at a reduced size. The exterior of the Bengal cat resembles the wild, but this cat is very affectionate and home. Jean Mill created the breed, living in Arizona, which had the idea