German Shepherd Dog breeders in Florida

Catalog of official dog breeders of the German Shepherd Dog breed in US by Florida State.

Here is a list of official dog breeders of the German Shepherd Dog breed. Our website is to help everyone who wants to buy dogs of a certain breed find responsible and reliable breeder in the US.

We strongly recommend you to check information about nurseries on other resources and read reviews about them on the internet to protect yourself from scammers since we cannot vouch for each nursery. Insist on visiting the nursery yourself; check all official documents.

Each page displays information about nurseries that we have found in the US by Florida State. You are provided with a list of breeders with the name, contacts, and official website, which always contains up-to-date information on which puppies are currently available for sale.


Breed German Shepherd Dog
47-88 lbs
9-13 years
If you would like to learn more about the German Shepherd Dog breed, we suggest you check out this page.

List of German Shepherd Dog in Florida State

Breeder Name Location of breeder Website
CR Shepherds USA, FL, 33982
Ghost-K9 (German Shepherd) USA, FL, 33010
Von Der Tetiaroa German Shepherd Dogs USA, FL, 34452
Zwinger vom Bestinhaus German Shepherds USA, FL, 33031
House Of Shepherds USA, FL, 34613
Osborne Central Florida Kennels USA, FL, 33567
AKC German Shepherds | Orlando, FL | German Shepherd Breeder USA, FL, 32159
Berg Quella Kennel USA, FL, 32720
Appleridge German Shepherds USA, FL, 34482
Florida Shepherds USA, FL, 32720
Eickental DDR German Shepherds USA, FL, 33569
Venom Kennels german shepherd breeder USA, FL, 33844
The Lords Shepherds USA, FL, 34714
Von Blanca German Shepherds USA, FL, 32464
Marcantel German Shepherds & Rescue USA, FL, 32507
Elite DDR German Shepherd Puppies USA, FL, 34711
El Divo German Shepherds USA, FL, 34638
Wolves Den Ranch USA, FL, 34432
Miami German Shepherd Puppies USA, FL, 33033
Das Fellrakete Kennels German shepherd breeder USA, FL, 33844
German Shepherds Puppies for Sale in Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale & Miami, FL – Di Montely Kennels USA, FL, 33415
Redland Vom Schaferhunde – Redland German Shepherds USA, FL, 33187
German Shepherds from Land of Hurricanes USA, FL, 34652
Von Calvo German Shepherds USA, FL, 33165
Vom Hundhaus German Shepherds USA, FL, 34601
Be Bright German Shepherds – German Shepherd Puppies For Sale In Central Florida USA, FL, 32736
Haus Brezel German Shepherds USA, FL, 34240
Ruskin House of Shepherds USA, FL, 33570
Florida German Shepherd puppies Dog Breeder USA, FL, 32038
Florida German Shepherd Puppies USA, FL, 32159
AKC German Shepherds, Puppies and Adults from Shepherd s Meadow USA, FL, 32124
South Florida German Shepherds USA, FL, 33142
Southernwind Kennels German Shepherd breeder in Florida USA, FL, 34604
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You can also learn more about how to take care of puppies in our blog.