The breed appeared in Britain, however, it is still unknown when it has happened. As a rule, the Bulldogs were used in fighting the battles of the bulls. Hence, the name Bulldog, means bull dog. Over time, the Bulldog turned from fighting dog into a show dog.
Bulldog has a very strong and stocky physique. His head is quite large and massive, flat forehead, dark eyes, almost black. The snout is short, blunt and slightly curved upwards; the skin on the head is flabby and wrinkled. The limbs are short and muscular, very strong hind legs are not as powerful as the fore legs. Its short legs and body are not designed for swimming in the water. The hair in this breed is short, dense and smooth. Allowed colors are red, tiger and so on. Adult dogs can weigh up to 25 kg.
A characteristic feature of the bulldog is an amazing courage and iron grip. You will not be envy his opponent. In its powerful, though not very big body lies the huge animal power. It is not easy to train the bulldog. You must show more perseverance and rigor in the educational process. All this is due to the fact the Bulldogs are very stubborn and always want to act according to their own rules of conduct.
In addition, the modern Bulldog has a wonderful character. It is kind and gentle, especially when it comes to children. Thanks to what the Bulldogs are called dog-nannies. The animal is also characterized by kindness and sympathy to the friends and guests of the family. If elderly people wants to get own dog, it is better, of course, to take the lady-dog. It is easier to negotiate with her, and the bulldog is clever dog and cares for those who are weaker than he is, so he is able to understand the owner needs his help and protection. Another characteristic feature of the bulldog is his being content with a small living space and short walks. Thus, the bulldog will feel good in an apartment, not creating any difficulties for you.
It needs daily care. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the folds on the snout. If you do not do that, the skin may become inflamed, since they accumulate moisture. It is better not to feed him a lot, since because of the natural laziness animal moves a little that will contribute to the accumulation of excess weight. This is one of the most "sick" breeds. Bulldogs can have problems with the respiratory system and the heart. So buy puppies in credible and competent people.