10 Tips for Choosing the Right Cat Breeder


If you are on the hunt for a kitten or cat to add to your family but you want to find a reputable cat breeder first, this is for you! To some, choosing the right cat breeder may not seem like a big deal but when it comes to finding a healthy and dependable breed of cat, knowing that it comes from a good breeder is a must.

Good breeders will be sure that the cat is properly cared for and is given the proper treatments leading up until they are adopted. If you take a chance of adopting any cat that you come across, you take a chance of running into health problems, the cat being aggressive, or the cat just not being a good fit for your family.


So, how do you go about finding a cat breeder that checks all the boxes of being a good breeder? No worries, we’ve got you covered! We have taken the liberty of doing the research and putting together a list of 10 tips to help you choose the right cat breeder.

Choose a Breeder That is a Part of a Cat Registry Organization

You may be wondering, what are cat registry organizations? They are organizations that register cats of many breeds for exhibition and breeding purposes. The organization will have the genealogies, descriptions, and more of each cat registered.
There are many cat registries worldwide and each one recognizes different breeds of cats; some recognize more breeds than others. When a breeder registers the cats into these organizations, they must follow certain standards and guidelines within their cattery.
The breeder being a part of a cat registry is a good thing because you are able to see more information on the cat that you are adopting. You can be rest assured that your particular cat is a good breed and will likely have to be purebred.

Choose a Breeder That Participates in Cat Shows

Many people don’t realize that cat shows are even a thing. Sure, we know all about dog shows but how many people talk about showing their cat? We’re here to tell you, that it is a thing and finding a breeder that participates in them will help you find a well-rounded breed of cat.
If a breeder participates in cat shows, odds are that they take the time to find the best of the best in order to win. This means that they will have higher standards when breeding or finding a breeding mate for their cat. It also means that they will do all they can to provide proper nutrition, grooming, and socialization within their cattery.
Cats often have to be registered within an organization before they can compete in a cat show. They will require up to date vaccinations and the utmost health of the cat performing. When you choose a breeder that does so, you will know that your fur baby comes from a background of healthy bred cat litters and in turn, will have a positive effect on the offspring you may be adopting.

Does the Breeder offer a Health Guarantee?

Having a health guarantee may be deceiving because of the title. If a breeder does in fact have a health guarantee it by no means guarantees that the kitten you adopt will not have any type of health conditions or illnesses.
This isn’t possible as it is always unknown what the future holds for a living animal. On the other hand, having a health guarantee does in fact show that the breeder cares about the kitten and cares about what happens once the kitten has left the cattery.
Most times, this contract will come with some requirements on your end as well. These may include things such as which vet you must use, if the cat is to be kept indoors, and where to take the cat if you decide to get rid of it. In exchange for this agreement on your part, you will typically be guaranteed a replacement kitten if the one you originally adopt gets diagnosed with a genetic disease.
Not all breeders will have this type of guarantee. The breeders that do will each have their own set of rules and regulations or time frame in which it is good for.

See if the Breeder Has a website

If you have found a cat breeder but want to make sure they have a solid background, you can check for a website about their cattery. Having a website, especially in today’s time shows professionalism and by sorting through their online info you can pick out which ones are and aren’t up to your standards.
On the website, the breeder should also have a list of available cats and kittens followed by any information that you may wonder about before adopting.
Doing this research on any individual cat breeder can make the adoption process quicker, and easier, and help you learn more about the circumstances of the cattery.

Google Search the Cattery Name

When mentioning the term “cattery” one may wonder what that means in the first place. A cattery is a place of establishment that breeds and boards cats of different breeds. Googling the cattery of your choice is similar to digging up the breeder’s website.
In doing so, you can find raw information provided by previous customers and see any good or bad reviews. It is best to find one with more reviews that way you know that they are indeed legit and not just a typed-up review from fake accounts.
A website shows their professional style and personal information while googling the cattery name shows their strengths and weaknesses from other people that have adopted.

Visit the Breeders Cattery

While checking into websites, reviews, and any other online source is a handy tool, you can always see what the cattery is like for yourself. You’re going to be going to a cattery to adopt anyway so why not take a visit and find out what the place is like.
Doing this before making your decision lets you see how clean the cattery is kept and the lifestyle of the cats with their kittens. You will be able to see the setup of how they are cared for and the situation in which the cats are able to socialize.
Not only will you get to see the cattery, but you will also be able to meet the breeder in person. Having a one-on-one meeting can help you evaluate the type of person that is behind choosing which cats are bred. You can pick up on whether they care about the cats and the care that is provided or not.

Check for a Spayed and Neutered Policy

Spaying or neutering a cat not only prevents the event of excess kitten litters being born but is also a good measure to take for a cat’s overall health.
It has been proven that a spayed female cat is significantly less likely to end up with urine infections or breast tumors. Male cats that are neutered are shown to be less likely to have testicular and prostate cancers.
Cats that have this procedure will have a longer life expectancy and are known to live a more fulfilling and happy life.
If a cat is taken without the procedure, it brings a high risk of multiple pregnancies. Getting the cat fixed will reduce the animal population and in turn reduce kill shelters having to make that tough decision. When the cattery decides to put a policy in place, you can feel confident that the kitten you adopt will already have the surgery and be through recovery.
Having this policy shows that the breeder is educated on this aspect and that they are responsible enough to care for the animals that are born rather than becoming a kitten mill.

What Ages are the Pets Offered?

A good breeder should have a limited option of what age group you can choose a kitten. They shouldn’t have multiple litters of different ages but instead, will have kittens that are all around the same age.
The proper age that a reputable breeder typically releases a kitten is around 12-20 weeks old. If they do happen to have older kittens it is possible that they have yet to find them a home. Overall, you will be able to tell if this is the case or if the breeder seems to have cats of all ages up for grabs.
If the cattery has all ages that they are trying to sell, then you may have found yourself in a kitten mill rather than a legitimate breeders cattery.
A responsible breeder will be sure to wait until the appropriate age to sell the kittens to be sure that they are properly socialized and are completely up to date on the vaccinations.

Be Sure the Kittens Have Been Socialized

Proper socialization is key to any pet having a good transition into a new home. This is one reason that kittens shouldn’t be released until at least 12 weeks old so that they have time to be accompanied by and learn to get along with others.
The initial transition will be challenging in the beginning but if the kitten has socialized with other animals and other people, it makes the move easier.
Not only that but doing this early on in age will help the kitten have a better temperament and personality on up into their adult life. A good breeder will understand how important this is in a cat’s life and will be sure that they have had the proper interactions leading to adoption age.
Socializing at a young age teaches them how to interact with other animals and encourages positive interactions. Because of this, they likely won’t be afraid of new people or new living conditions when once they are adopted.

Choose a Breeder That Vaccinates and Deworms Kittens

All animals should be vaccinated for multiple illnesses they may contract and dewormed before being sent away to a new home. Doing this increases the cat’s chance of fighting any sickness and ensures that they stay healthy.
Kittens are prone to these issues and without proper prevention, they are at a high risk of becoming sick, having many health issues, or leading up to possible death. A breeder that is reputable and worth adoption from will be sure to take care of this issue before it arises.
The vaccination and deworming process should be mentioned in the contract or in some form that you can acknowledge that it has been done. When looking for the right breeder to adopt from, this is the number one question to ask yourself.
If the breeder doesn’t vaccinate and deworm at their cattery or doesn’t get an appointment set up with a good vet to do so, it may be time to look elsewhere.

Final Thoughts

After diving into each step to take when looking for the right cat breeder, it all boils down to common knowledge. If a breeder does not seem trusting or reliable then it is best to move on to a different breeder.
Using each of these tips will help you easily check off the boxes that make a good breeder and will help you find the best cat to bring into your family.
Though you may want to adopt any cute kitten that you see, you also want to be sure that the kitten has good genes in order to live a longer and healthier life. This makes the journey better for you and better for the kitten. If you are looking for a cat to eventually join into cat shows, using the tips mentioned above will have you set up for success from the beginning.

Don’t be afraid to take your time, do in-depth research of each cattery or breeder, and look deeper into a cat’s history before making your final decision. That way you know you are making the right choice and in turn will have a great experience with your new fur baby.


Which cat breed should i get?

Selecting a cat breed depends on your lifestyle, preferences, and living situation. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a cat breed:

Activity level: Some breeds are more energetic and playful, while others are more laid-back and relaxed. Think about how much time and energy you have to engage with your cat and choose a breed that matches your lifestyle.

Coat type and grooming requirements: Long-haired breeds require more frequent grooming to prevent matting, while short-haired breeds need less grooming. Consider whether you are willing to invest the time and effort in regular grooming sessions.

Size: Cat breeds can vary in size from smaller breeds like the Singapura to larger ones like the Maine Coon. Consider your living space and whether you have room for a larger cat.

Temperament: Some breeds are known for being more social, affectionate, and adaptable, while others may be more independent or territorial. Think about the type of personality you want in a cat.

Allergies: If you or someone in your household has allergies, you may want to consider a breed that produces fewer allergens, such as the Siberian or the Cornish Rex.

When is cat breeding season?

Cats are seasonal breeders, and their breeding season typically coincides with the lengthening of daylight hours. In many parts of the world, this means that cat breeding season occurs from late winter to early autumn, with a peak in late spring and summer. However, the exact timing of the breeding season can vary depending on factors such as climate, geographic location, and the individual cat's living conditions.

Domestic cats are polyestrous, which means that females can have multiple heat cycles during the breeding season. A female cat, or queen, will go into heat approximately every 2-3 weeks during the breeding season. Each heat cycle can last from a few days to a week or more, depending on the cat. During this time, the queen will be more vocal, affectionate, and may engage in behaviors such as rolling on the floor or attempting to escape to find a mate.