Menu for cats: the pros and cons of prepared feeds
Everyone in his life can adopt a pet at least one time: this is a connection with nature, so necessary for people, even in cities. Have you chosen the...
Turkish Angora
Turkish Angora is a beautifully proportioned, graceful, majestic, arrogant and wayward cat. The representatives of this ancient and versatile breed ha...
Allergy to cats - what to do?
Everyone knows that cats, these cute furry animals that give the house warmth and comfort, can be a source of real misery. Allergy to cat's hair is co...
Kitten’s care and preventive measures
Grooming and sleep are one of the main activities of a kitten. Two weeks after its birth, the kitten is already beginning to comprehend the ritual of...
Maine Coon care
The main difference between this breed from the others is that these cat are the largest cats in the world (meaning domestic breed). Nobility, strengt...
What games can you play with domestic cats?
If you have a male cat or a female cat at home, you need to play with them, to provide them with conditions for an interesting pastime. Even an old ca...
Ocicat - kindness in the wild appearance
Plump fluffy cat with a huge tail and flattened snout expression sweetly sleeping on a pillow does not satisfy everyone. Many pet owners want to have...
Do cats pant after each other?
Of course, cats are able to grieve. Moreover, not just for people, who are often their owners, but for the family and friends, for their relatives wit...
Cat Raising Tips for First-Timers
Small animals are more like kids than we think. Therefore, the attitude towards them should be appropriate. If you have decided to get a pet, then it...
Why does the cat chew out its hair?
Sometimes, cats chew out and lick its hair with such passion that after that it loses presentable look. What is the reason for such animal's behavior...
3 things everyone should ask their veterinarian
1. The cat climbs into bed. What to do?
You can put a cat's house near the master's bed or take its bedding to another room. As soon as the cat clim...
The Latest Cats' Tendance: What's Trending in Feline Fashion
Thus, in the first place, it is necessary to teach your new family member to the toilet. There are cats that learn quickly, and the other - not so qui...