Training is nothing else than the development of animals corresponding conditioned reflexes. Who does not know Pavlovs dog?For example, if the command Sit! is given several times, before you forcibly make the dog sit, it becomes a conditioned stimulus, and therefore, it should run a reflex reaction of your pet. However, as practice shows, the animal often behaves differently after receipt of such a command but not as Pavlov expected.
How does a dog go for training?
Often, the dogs behavior is determined by the needs of its organism prevailing in a particular moment. When your dog is playing, thereby satisfying its desire to play, it may have the other, for example, to eat or to drink, but it wants to play the most. In addition, its actions are entirely aimed at achieving this outcome.
In the process of training, you are planting a skill to your dog, or a sequence of actions that enable it to achieve a positive result. For example, if you want the dog to bring you a stick (the command "Fetch!"), it has to want that.
You have decided to teach it yourself. Moreover, as an encouragement you want to use dogs need of food. First, you pick dogs interest, offering it a piece of treat, if it brings you a thrown item. Whenever your pet performs a task, it will be get food. In the end, whenever there is a stick in your hands, your dog will be happy to wait for the command, follow the movement of your hand, while determines the direction and distance in which the stick will fly, knowing that it will get a treat. Thus, you instill the skill of fetching.
Then, continuing training, you will begin to teach your dog to give the thing it has brought in your hands, giving it food only in this case and refusing food when it put the stick on the ground and looks forward to offering. It runs again for thrown stick and eventually, it will give it in your hand to get the coveted piece of food.
Training your dog, you have to remember that the motive of the need for food can lose its appeal for it, when a new motif, for example, in the face of the other dogs.
When the stranger dog is aggressive, your dog wants to avoid meeting it, or it also shows aggression. When the stranger dog is friendly, your dog wants to play, and will not look forward to a tasty bite.
By the way, if your dog is fed, it is pointless to train it offering food that does not work. You can teach the dog, if it is interested in such training, when the new classes can help meet it needs. Common factors in dogs behavior, described in the example, will be retained during the formation of other skills in the process of training. Knowing them, you will react with a greater understanding of your pet and its training.
It is very important, teaching your dog, to maintain its trust, complete mutual understanding with it. Often it turns out that not you, but the dog trains you. And you regularly walk with it, jump through the snow and fences, and chase other dogs. To avoid this, creating any skill, you and your dog must be interested in that and there had been a mutual action of partners. Your interest in the proceedings must be based on a relationship role.
As an example - training jumps over a hurdle. Encouraging with a treat whenever your pet follows the order, you approve the actions of its behavior: you play with the dog, satisfy its need for food and a desire to please the leader, its master. At the same time, you satisfy your own desires and needs. For example, you want your pet to be in excellent physical shape and jump better than other dogs, or you want a diploma from the show. After all, your dogs behavior depends mostly on you. You have the power to make so that your pet, communicating and interacting with you, could meet its own needs. This becomes important because this is how your dog shows interest in training and, of course, it affects your relationship with it.
In the perception of the animal, family, in which it lives, perceives it as a pack. In addition, the laws of the dog pack, it automatically transfers to its relationship with people. There is always a leader in the pack, whom all unquestioningly obey and which have intermediate rank to the lowest.
The dog lives in a family; it defines its own place on the rank. In addition, you have all to be a leader in your pack, or your dog occupies this place.