Digestion is a set of processes occurring in the body, resulting the substance coming from food, are broken down into simpler compounds, absorbed by the body. For proper diagnosis, it is necessary that a vet fully examines the animal and, if necessary, uses special methods: X-ray, ultrasonography and so on.
If the dog is allowed to run freely down the street, it could cause indigestion and even vomiting, but such a state passes quickly. The first signs of an acute disease caused by germs are a fever, wounds or tumors. The dogs temperature can rise even from running, but if it is accompanied by a lack of appetite, thirst, frequent heartbeat and breathing, dry hot skin and indigestion, then we can talk about the disease. If you find these signs, contact your vet. There your dog will be given all necessary medical care. Let us consider the most common diseases of the stomach in dogs.
The cause of pancreatitis can be a lack of variety in the food. The dog has a high temperature, because of the pain in the abdomen it becomes sluggish, refuses to eat and suffers from dehydration. Those animals who are castrated, overweight and who are in middle age are susceptible to the disease. If you do not start treatment, the pet may die. The vets consultation will help to make a diagnosis and begin treatment immediately. You will have to pay more attention to the diet according to doctors appointments. Without this, it is impossible to restore or to ensure the proper functioning of the digestive system.
This problem is the most common in dogs. A common stress or infection, even the wrong diet may cause it. Your dog will tend to rest more often. In the summer time, being on the street, it will eat the grass that will cause vomiting and will help the animal to get rid of suffering, but it is better to go to the vet.
Does your dog vomit, or has diarrhea?These are the first symptoms of gastroenteritis occurring instantly. There may be anxiety and depression. You need to start treatment in time, otherwise the dog may die. So, contact your vet rat once that there was no late. Take care of your pet. Do not let the disease to outface. Discovering the first symptoms, call a vet clinic.
An inflammation of the stomach is so called. They are divided into acute and chronic. The reason may be the feed of bad quality and stale meat from an infected animal. There is vomiting after feeding, loose stools, the dog becomes sluggish. From the mouth there is an unpleasant smell, there is a white fur on the tongue. No self-treatment, be sure to contact your vet. It is enough a week after initiation of treatment to the unpleasant symptoms disappeared.
The most common chancre develops from the use of drugs. The cause may be stress or shock, and serious illness or allergy. When there is a chancre, the vomiting occurs periodically, the animal loses weight, its vomit and stool contains blood. In order to make an accurate diagnosis, a vet should appoint a gastroscopy and x-rays. It is very important at the first signs to contact the vet clinic.
Most often, in dogs stomach benign polyps can be found. Much more rarely malignant: adenocarcinoma, lymphoblastoma. The symptoms do not differ from the chancre ones. Such a case can be diagnosed by a gastroscopy. If a neoplasm is benign, the surgeon removes the tumor, and the part of the stomach with it, after which comes a slow recovery. Malignant tumors do not bode well.
Gastric torsion
This condition is likely to endanger the life of your dog. Salivation, retching, pain, and sometimes shock occur. The diagnosis will set the radiographic examination. It requires surgery. During the operation to return the stomach to its normal position, the lien is removed.
The dogs owner must realize he is able to protect his pet from most diseases. First, it needs vaccinations. Second, balanced feeding ensure proper metabolism. Take care of the healthy stomach of your pet, and you will protect it from health problems.