A favorite dog has decided to award you with the offspring. Nevertheless, none of the family members has experience in delivering a baby.How to better act in such a case? If the family made the decision on his or her own to help the animal, it is best to prepare for it in advance and know what to look for, and what situation may require the arrival of a vet.
It takes 62-66 days from the moment of impregnation to the puppies' birth. A week before the expected labour you must carefully look closely to the dog's behavior. If possible, there must be someone present in the house constantly, because it is impossible to predict the beginning of labor. Moreover, the animal left alone locked up, might be in a critical situation.
Many are afraid to miss a moment of the birth of babies. There are signs by which it becomes clear that intensified labors. The main ones are:
- • the dog begins to find a place for the puppies, she nervously runs around the apartment, breathing becomes frequent;
- • if there is a possibility to measure temperature in the mother's anus, we can see that the figures are lower than usual 1-1.5 C;
- • under constant observation, you will see a pool that appeared from the genitals.This indicates that the puppies will be born soon;
- • After the liquid, dark mucus starts to set off. Noticing this, you need to prepare for the labor, which might be in a few hours.
Preparing for the puppies birth
What preliminary measures have to take place before the onset of labor? We will tel about the main ones.
Prepare a place where the puppies will be born.The dog is accustomed to it in advance, or it might run to give birth in a secluded corner, and then it will be difficult to help her. A good option is a cardboard box with low bumpers. It is necessary to lay the old cloth.
Infants also need a box.It is veiled with woolen cloth, because babies need warmth. Also, prepare a table lamp, and a bottle with warm water.
From the tools, prepare sharp scissors, the blades of which are disinfected. You will cut the umbilical cord with them.As scrap materials old cotton sheet, cut into several pieces to wipe the newborn will be useful.It is pre-washed and pre-ironed.
Labor process
Puppies often are born at night.Delivery duration is from one hour to two days. Approximately one third of all the puppies appear through the birth canal hind legs forward, do not be afraid, it is not considered a disease. Between the births of each of them may extend from 30 minutes to several hours.
Puppies appear in the bubble, it or its mother breaks it, or whoever is present when a puppy is being born. This is done only after the appearance of the puppy. Then, the umbilical cord is cut with scissors, leaving a 2-3 cm from the belly of the newborn. The dog may chew on its own umbilical cord, but these centimeters are to survive, otherwise a hernia can appear. It is necessary to watch for giving birth constantly, the dog can accidentally sit on the not fully born puppy and hurt him.
Taking the puppy, wipe it with a clean cloth and watch it took a breath. If it does not happen, open the jaws; turn so that the liquid is drained. At the same time, you can gently shake the puppy.
If there are no problems with breathing, then bring the firstborn to the mother's nipples. It will stimulate the further process of labor. Give some glucose or chocolate the dog giving birth.
It is important that the puppy found a nipple and drank the colostrum. This will help it to adapt. If it does not find the breast, it is pressed, and the small is put to the drop.When it refuses, the attempt takes place in a quarter of an hour.
At puppy's birth, you are looking for so if the afterbirth left. Sometimes dogs eat that.It is important to track whether all the afterbirth left, otherwise inflammation can begin.In this case, seek veterinary help.
If the mother has no milk, the pups begin are fed artificially. Call a doctor from a vet clinic, you can find out what drugs stimulate lactation. The diet of the animal should always contain milk and dairy products.
Eclampsia can occur in mother, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. The dog breath quickens, she whines, can flow drooling, then convulsions.Such attacks result loss of consciousness. Puppies are urgently transferred to another place and the vet is called.Before his arrival, drop some Corvavol in water (30 drops, depending on the dog weight) and it drink that.
To remember the puppies, and the whole process of birth, you can record the time of the birth of each of them, and a lot of distinctive features. It will be easier to distinguish them in the future.
End of obstetrics
In the box where the mother is, a clean surface is veiled and the puppies are put.Sometimes it is necessary to make sure the youngest are not left hungry. When large ones have eaten, they are transplanted into another box and little ones are allowed to eat.
<>h3Possible complicationsThere are various situations when you need to consult a doctor or an urgent visit. The main causes for concern are the following:
delivery deadline approached, and they have not come;liquid came out, and there are no contractions.It is a sign of a weak labor activity;
if the puppy is too large, the dog can push, but did not give birth to him.If during the first hour the puppy does not appear, contact your vet;
• the puppy stuck in the birth canal. It is better to call the vet, but you can try to pull the puppy. If the hind legs are seen, then when the dog pushes you should carefully pull the baby for the legs and torso. If the head is visible and a leg, then the second one stuck. Gently straighten the leg with two fingers, or wait for the doctor;
If the labors stopped, but there are still puppies in the belly;
If the part of puppies was born, there are labors, and the rest do not appear. The malrotation of the uterus is possible;
• When the number of puppies is greater than the afterbirth.